Latin Test 1

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Quamvis enim pulcherrimarum clade terrarum, ut populi ut urbes memorabili casu, quasi semper victurus occiderit, quamvis ipse plurima opera et mansura condiderit, multum tamen perpetuitati eius scriptorum tuorum aeternitas addet. 

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Quamvis enim pulcherrimarum clade terrarum, ut populi ut urbes memorabili casu, quasi semper victurus occiderit, quamvis ipse plurima opera et mansura condiderit, multum tamen perpetuitati eius scriptorum tuorum aeternitas addet. 

Although in fact he had died by disaster of the most beautiful lands, that both people and cities with a memorable fall, just as (they) will always live, although he himself created many works going, nevertheless the perpetuity of your many writings of him will secure eternity

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Equidem beatos puto, quibus deorum munere datum est aut facere scribenda aut scribere legenda, beatissimos vero quibus utrumque. Horum in numero avunculus meus et suis libris et tuis erit. Quo libentius suscipio, deposco etiam quod iniungis.

I think truely those who are blessed, by which it was given with a gift of the gods either to make writings or to write legands/readings, and the most blessed by which both (are) true. Of these in number will be my uncle and his books and yours. By which I recieve more readily, I am even begging what(ever) you join (together).

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Nonum Kal. Septembres hora fere septima mater mea indicat ei apparere nubem inusitata et magnitudine et specie. Usus ille sole, mox frigida, gustaverat iacens studebatque; poscit soleas, ascendit locum ex quo maxime miraculum illud conspici poterat.

On the ninth Kal. of September, close to the seventh hour, my mother points out to him a cloud appeared with both unusual greatness and appearance. That enjoyment with the sun, soon/next the cold bath, he had eaten laying and was studying; he begs for his sandals, he climbs up a place out of which that miracle had been able to be seen best.

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Nam longissimo velut trunco elata in altum quibusdam ramis diffundebatur, credo quia recenti spiritu evecta, dein senescente eo destituta aut etiam pondere suo victa in latitudinem vanescebat, candida interdum, interdum sordida et maculosa prout terram cineremve sustulerat.

For it was being poured out into the sky just as with a very long trunk with certain branches,  I believe because with the air led out recently, then growing old with it having been let down even now with its own weight, it was disappearing into width, somethings white, sometimes dirty and spotted accordingly, just as dirt and ash had been raised.

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Egrediebatur domo; accipit codicillos Rectinae Tasci imminenti periculo exterritae - nam villa eius subiacebat, nec ulla nisi navibus fuga -: ut se tanto discrimini eriperet orabat. [9] Vertit ille consilium et quod studioso animo incohaverat obit maximo.

He was leaving the house, he accepts notes of Rectina of Tascus, frightened by immediate danger– for her house was lying nor without any ships for an escape– or such a great space between, she was begging he might take her away. He turned that plan and he began that work with a most studious mind, he goes to meet.

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iam pumices etiam nigrique et ambusti et fracti igne lapides; iam vadum subitum ruinaque montis litora obstantia. Cunctatus paulum an retro flecteret, mox gubernatori ut ita faceret monenti 'Fortes' inquit 'fortuna iuvat: Pomponianum pete.' 

Now the ash was falling on the ships, where they were approaching closer, hotter and denser, now pumice stones and dark stones both charred and broken with frire; now the sudden shallows and ruined shores of the mountain are standing in the way. Having hesitated a little that he might turn back, soon the captain warning (him) so that he might do it thus, he says “Fortune favors the bold: seek Pomponianus”

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6.16.1-2 (p. 1)

The introduction to his letter, setting up why he is writing this letter to Tacitus and bringing up his uncle’s death.

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3 (p. 2)

Pliny is begging Tactitus to write anything about his uncle, he says his uncle was a great man who (alongside Tactitus) was blessed by the gods to be able to both make writings and to write readings or legends.

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4-5 (p. 3)

Pliny starts retelling the story of how his uncle died in the Pompeii disaster, setting up the date and time. He says that his uncle had a good day, he laid in the sun, went to the baths, ate and studied, when his (Pliny’s) mother points out the appearance of a very strange cloud.

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6-7 (p. 4)

Pliny describes the cloud from the volcano, in the previous passage he describes it as a pine tree and continues the simile by describing the cloud’s branches and trunk, and putting his own thoughts in as to why the ash was spread out that way.

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8-10 (p. 5)

As Pliny;s uncle was leaving the house to go investigate, he receives notes from his neighbor, Rectina, who lives right by the volcano and had no ships for an escape, so she is begging him to come and help her. He agrees and starts making a great plan to go help Rectina and anyone else that is stuck.

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11 (p. 6)

Once theyre closer to the volcano the ash, pumice, and other stones start falling on the ship and filling the water with debris that are making it hard to navigate. Pliny’s uncle is not afraid, but he does hesitate slightly, so the captain tells him that fortune favors those who are brave and that he needs to seek Pomponianus, the leader of Pompeii.

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Acc. pl.

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Abl. sing.

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Nom. sing.

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