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what is philosophy
the use of reason to study the fundamental nature of humanity, value, and reality
What is logic
the use of reason to study the methods and principles used to distinguish between correct and incorrect reasoning
what is metaphysics
the study of the fundamental nature of reality
what is epistemology
the study of knowledge
what is ethics
the study of the fundamental values and principles that specify how we ought to behave
what is aesthetics
the study of art and beauty
what are the two types of knowledge
a posteriori and a priori
what is a posteriori knowledge
knowledge that is grounded in or derived from sensory experience
what is a prior knowledge
knowledge that is not ultimately grounded in or derived from sense experience
what is the definition of philosophy of religion
the use to reason to investigate fundamental religious beliefs
God is an...creator of the universe via... (4 things)
omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent; ex-hihlio
what is omniscient
all knowing
what is omnipotent
all powerful; the power to do all that is logically possible
what is omnibenevolent
all good/perfectly good
The Ontological Argument is...(a priori or a posteriori)
A priori
who created the Ontological Argument
Anselm of Canterbury
what is the structure of the Ontological Argument
Reductio Ad Absurdum
What is reductio ad absurdum
proving a conclusion by assuming that is is false and then showing that this assumption leads to a contradiction or absurdity
what is creation ex-hihlio
creation out of nothing
What is the conclusion of Anselm's Ontological Argument
God exists both in the understanding but not in reality
What is St. Anselm's ontological argument?
Can you imagine "that than which nothing greater can be conceived?"
Is it better to exist in the mind or to exist in reality?
If that than which nothing greater can be conceived wouldn't it be better if it existed in reality?
Therefore, that than which nothing greater can be conceived must exist in reality
What is the assumption of atheism in Anselm's Ontological Argument
premise 2: God exists in the understanding but not in reality
what is a compound proposition
a proposition composed of two or more smaller ones
what is a conjunction
true if an only if all of its component propositions are true
What must Anselm do to his argument
eliminate the atheist option
What was Leibniz's response to Anselm's argument
The idea of God is not inconsistent. It is coherent and consistent
Who influenced Thomas Aquinas
Aquinas rejects all _____ arguments for God's existence
A priori
What are Thomas Aquinas' five proofs for the existence of God?
the unmoved mover, the first cause, the necessary being, the absolute being, and the grand designer
Who is Al-Farabi?
a philosopher who used Aristotle's philosophy to defend the Islamic beliefs
Al-Farabi said that God is the...
uncaused efficient cause
Is the Kalam Cosomological Argument for God's existence A Priori or A Posteriori
A Posteriori
What was the Kalam Islamic Speculative Theory
The use of reason to defend, interpret, and systematize Islamic revelation as expressed in the Qur'an and Islamic tradition
Practitioners of Kalam were critical of the ______ movement, and its _______
falsafa (philosophical); falasifa (practitioners)
What was the main source of disagreement between the kalam and the falsafa
kalam said you had to hod faith and revelation before knowledge about the fundamental nature of reality
Kalam's main idea
Faith seeking understanding
Whose major work was the Tahafut Al-Falasifa
what was the Tahafut Al-Falasifa
the incoherence of the philosophers with the intent of criticizing within the falasafa
Al-Ghazali was an advocate of the....
Kalam Cosmological Argument for God's Existence
Kalam Argument
everything that begins to exist has a cause, and the universe began to exist, so there is a cause of the universe.
Arguments for premise 2 of the Kalam cosmological argument (the universe began to exist)
that the universe is infinitely old entails absurdities
Al-Ghazali's Argument from the Impossibility of Hierarchies of the Infinite
the universe is not infinitely old
William Lane Craig and J.P. Morgan's arguments
The universe is not infinitely old; the big bang cosmology and second law of thermodynamics support that the universe is of finite age
Paul Draper's Criticism of the Argument
"Begins to exist" = there was a first moment of the thing's existence.
Draper's "begin with time" meaning
Begin with time, in which the first moment of the thing's existence and the first moment of time are one and the same.
Draper's "begin within time" meaning
Begin within time, in which there was time prior to the first moment of the thing's existence
The 1st premise of Kalam Cosmological Argument must be understood as....
begins within time
The 2nd premise of Kalam Cosmological Argument must be understood as...
begins with time
What did Draper say that the kalam cosmological argument committed?
the fallacy of equivocation
What is the fallacy of equivocation?
using different senses of a single word or phrase within a single argument
What is teleology?
the theory that all natural things are designed so as to have specific functions or purposes
What is the teleological argument?
the argument for the existence of God from the evidence of order, and hence design, in nature.
what are the two main criticisms of the teleological argument?
an intelligent designer may not be the omni-natured creator that Aquinas set out to prove
the theory of evolution can explain the teleology of nature without supposing the existence of an intelligent creator
Modified Teleological Argument: Richard Taylor
a. human sensory and cognitive faculties are the result of natural (non-rational and non-purposive) forces
b. human sensory and cognitive faculties are reliable, representational sources of information about reality
what is epistemological principle
when a belief is the result of non-rational causes, the belief is unjustified
naturalism is self-defeating
C.S. Lewis's argument