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Instrumental Role
geared towards achieving success at work so he can provide as the breadwinner.​
Expressive Role
geared towards primary socialisation of the children and meeting the family’s emotional needs, homemaker, housewife.​
Breakdown of norms and values in society causing a state of confusion and chaos where people don’t know how to act
Social solidarity
interdependence between people in society
Value consensus
the need for society to have a common set of beliefs and principles to work with and towards
Organic Analogy
A functionalist analogy that compares the different parts of society to the organs of a living organism
Structural theory
Emphasise the power of society over the individual and belief that the individual is largely controlled by society
A term created by Charles Murray used to describe the poorest in society who have very little chance at improving their lives
Means of Production
The machinery, tools and factories used to produce goods that satisfy societies needs
Relations of Production
Relationship between those who own the means of production (bourgeoisie) and those who do not (proletariat)
The capitalist class who own most of societies wealth and the means of production
Those who have nothing to sell but their labour-power (The working class)
Ideological State Apparatus
The mental control of the proletariat (laws)
Repressive State Apparatus
The physical control of the proletariat(prison)
False class consciousness
When the proletariat do not recognise that they are being exploited by the bourgeoisie
Social institutions in society Eg: religion, education, media, family
Intrinsically Rewarding Tasks
When typically “men” perform tasks that they enjoy, often allowing them to receive praise
Triple burden
When women are expected to do unpaid housework, paid labour as well as childcare
Cultural Spending
When women allow men to spend more because society expects them to, and they’re socialised into it
Material Spending
women generally earn less so its rational for men to spend more
Pooling Resources
When both partners put their income into a shared account
The Allowance System
Men give women an allowance with the man keeping the surplus for himself
Domestic abuse
any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse.
The Domestic Division of Labour
The division of tasks within the household between partners
Commodity Fetishism
Belief that it is natural and inevitable to measure the value of useful things with money
Positivist Theories
you can improve society