Security = 'a powerful political tool in claiming attention for priority items in the competition for government attention. It also helps establish consciousness of the importance of the issues so labelled in the minds of the population of large
Strategic Studies
Problem Solving and policy embedded :
Nuclear Anxiety
Stability of bipolarity
Conventional armed formed : doing war better
Critique of strategic studies
Analytic :
States definition illogical : security influenced by context
Security “common sense”
Assumes conflictual relationship and antagonistic policy
Empowers some political and academic actors over there
Promotes organised armed violence as response to international conflict
Security dilemma : pathological self fulfilling prophecy
West cares ‘everything for peace and nothing for justice’ (Garnett 1975)
Initial Corrective
Deepening (Security Threat) :
“ An action or sequence of events that (1) threatens drastically and over a relatively brief period of time to degrade the quality of life for the inhabitants of a state or (2) threatens to significantly narrow the range of policy choices available to a state or to private, non governmental entities (persons, groups, corporations) within a state” (Ullman 1983)
Human Security
The concept of security must change [to]…people’s security, from security through armaments to security through human development, from territorial to food , employment and environmental security” (UNDP, 1993)
Securitisation (3 stages)
Securitising actor: Identifies an existential threat to a particular referent object
Previously apolitical/non political concern
Securitising move: Actor provides narrative connecting threat with object, and no other course of action
Audience : Relevant audience (e.g.public) accepts securitising move = threat is securitised
Exceptional measures authorised