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the manual reshaping of a metal by
hammering or pressing.
the thinning of a metal sheet by compressing it
between two rollers
is the pushing of a metal through a die that results in the metal obtaining the shape of the hole
the metal is pulled through the die from below rather than being pushed from above
Cold working
is the deformation of a material above its yield strength that results in significant plastic
deformation such that the yield stress increases to the applied stress. Strengthens the material and reduces ductility
Reverses the mechanical properties and
microstructure of the metal during cold working can by slowly reducing temperature
3 stages of annealing
Recovery – large deformed grains form subgrains that result in a reduction of the residual stresses
Recrystallization – Small grains nucleate at subgrain boundaries, resulting in a reduction in the number of dislocations and a softening that results in the return of the original mechanical properties
Grain Growth – Small grains grow and consume
neighboring grains
Hot working
is the deformation above the metal above the recrystallization temperature and it results in a very different microstructure. No strengthening occurs and material remains ductile.
Eutectic point
The point on the eutectic isotherm where the a + b solid solution melts directly to liquid is called the eutectic point
Solvus lines
lines that separate pure phase solids
from mixed phase solids
invariant points at which one solid
phase is in equilibrium with two different solid
are invariant points in which a solid and
liquid phase are in equilibrium with a different solid phase
Solidus line
Line on a phase diagram below which only solids exist at equilibrium
Liquidus line
Line on a phase diagram above which only liquid exists at equilibrium.
A hard, brittle phase of iron carbide (Fe3C) that precipitates out of the steel past the solubility limit for carbon.
Mixture of cementite (Fe3C) and alpha-ferrite named for its resemblance to mother-of-pearl
Phase present in steel in which the iron is present in an FCC lattice with higher carbon solubility.
Produced by cooling rapidly to between 550°C to 250°C and allowed to remain at that
Nonequilibrium product of steel formed by the diffusionless transformation of austenite
Spheroidite is produced by heating bainite or pearlite to just below the eutectoid temperature for 18 to 24 hours
hypereutectoid steel
Steel with carbon percentages above 0.76wt%
hypoeutectoid steel
Steel with carbon percentages below 0.76wt%
Stainless steel
Steel with at least 12% chromium