WARNING! di ko nasama pregnancy kase progress sya, ala masyadong "terms" (send na lang ako notes)
reproductive system
to perpetuate the species through sexual or germ cell fertilization and reproduction; consist of primary & secondary sex organs and sex glands
a hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ about the size of a woman’s clenched fist; is supported and held in position by a number of ligaments
corpus (body), bottom cervix, fundus
3 parts of the uterus
rounded top portion above the fallopian tubes
trauma, disease, multiple pregnancies
the uterus can be weakened by ____, ____,and __________ and can result in abnormal positioning
perimetrium, myometrium, endometrium
3 layers of the uterus
outer layer of uterus
thick layer of muscle in the uterus
the mucus membrane lining the uterus that sheds during menstruation
neck of the womb/uterus and its opening is about the diameter of a pencil
sheds lining every 21-40 days, place for protection & nourishment, contracts during labor
3 functions of uterus
fallopian tube
a 4-6 inch long tube that captures and transports the egg from ovary to uterus (takes 3-4 days to travel) and is where fertilization occurs
portion of the fallopian tube that connects to uterus
finger-like projections around opening that catches egg as it leaves the ovary
opening of the fallopian tube
end of the fallopian tube
fallopian tube widens to form ____; curves over the ovary and is the primary site of fertilization
oval-shaped organs about the size of a large olive that lie close to the fimbria at the end of the fallopian tubes + attached to each side of uterus by a ligament
produces mature eggs and female sex hormones (estrogen & progesterone)
egg containing sacs found in ovaries
a mature follicle that ripens in one ovary after 21 days
when the follicle ruptures to hormones from the pituitary gland, releasing the second oocyte
corpus luteum
a mass of yellow cells that forms after the follicle ruptures; a temporary, progesterone-producing structure
primordial follicle > primary follicles > secondary (vesicular) follicle > ruptured follicle > corpus luteum > corpus albicans
maturation of a follicle (6)
a 3 ½ inch long muscular tube and female organ for copulation, receiving the seminal fluid from the male penis; the passageway for menstruation or the birth of a fetus
five organs that make up the external genitalia of the female
mons pubis
triangular-shaped pad of fatty tissue over the pubis bond, covered with pubic hair
labia majora
2 large folds of adipose tissue on the sides of the vaginal opening
labia minora
2 smaller folds of adipose tissue on the inside of the labia majora
area between labia with openings for the vagina, urethra, and two excretory ducts for Bartholin’s glands (provide lubricant)
sensitive fold of tissue partially covered by hood
a muscular sheet that can be torn during childbirth
a surgical incision that doctors to the perineum to avoid uncontrolled tearing
the mammary glands; each of these has 15-20 glandular lobes separated by connective tissue
the glands that produce milk due to stimulation via the pituitary gland with the hormone PROLACTIN after childbirth
dark-colored circle at tip of breast; contains sebaceous glands to keep the skin conditioned
center of breast where ducts from the lobules open; can (1) produce milk and (2) react to different sensations)
a thin yellowish substance that is first secreted from the breast, but is not true milk; contains nutrients and mother’s immunities that can protect the baby
menstrual cycle
process of sloughing off the inner lining of the uterus once a month; begins at puberty (menarche) and ceases at menopause
follicular phase, ovulatory phase, luteal phase
3 phases of the menstrual cycle
follicular phase
shedding of endometrium due to no egg that was fertilized or implanted
ovulatory phase
ovaries produce estrogen which stimulates the maturation of the follicle and thickens the endometrium
luteal phase
characterized by development of the corpus luteum, secretion of progesterone, preparation of endometrium for implantation, and formation of thick mucus to block cervix once egg pass out of fallopian tube
1st trimester
all parts of fetus are formed (pregnancy)
2nd trimester
all parts will become functional (pregnancy)
3rd trimester
fetus goes through growth & development (pregnancy)
cephalic, breech, caesarian
3 types of childbirth
headfirst delivery
backward presentation
delivery through incision in the abdomen
vernix caseosa
cheesy coating of a newborn baby that protected skin before birth
downy hair covering the newborn baby that protected skin before birth
placenta previa, preeclampsia, miscarriage
some complications of pregnancy
placenta previa
development of the placenta over opening of cervix
pregnancy-induced hypertension (high-blood pressure)
spontaneous abortion or miscarriage
loss of fetus due to abnormalities, trauma, or lifestyle choices
the female reproductive cell
corona radiata
a protective layer of follicular cells of the ovum that is penetrated by the head of the sperm; once penetrated, chemical reactions repel other sperms
zona pellucida
a protective jelly-like structure of the ovum