arguemnt agaisnt psychological egoism and ethical egoism
what are the two theories of self-interest?
psychological egoism
ethical egoism
what pushes us towards fulfillment?
pressure, competition, desire are all types of motivation
everything we do can be boiled down to self-interest
Psychological egosim
is the sole (the only) motivational principle of human behavior is the pursuit of self-interest
- a human theory
- just stating the facts of human behavior, no judgement
Ethical Egoism
Our only moral/ ethical duty is the pursuit of our own self-interest
- our only duty is to ourselves --> morality
If there isnt’ anything in it for you, you are doing something wrong
- claiming that we only need to focus on ourselves, self-sacrifice for someone else's interest is wrong
- judgement, looking at right vs. wrong behavior
what is the social principle?
- we should promote the wellbeing of all people
- reciprocity (important because other people are important, why kindness is important)
what are ethics?
trying to figure out what the correct moral principle is for human nature