Endocrine System
A system in the body that produces hormones to regulate various functions, including growth and development.
The process of forming a myelin sheath around nerves to speed transmission of impulses, crucial for development.
Cephalocaudal Principle
Growth that proceeds from the head toward the feet.
Proximodistal Principle
Growth that develops from the center of the body outward to the extremities.
Orthogenetic Principle
Development starts globally and undifferentiated and moves towards increasing differentiation and hierarchical integration.
Biopsychosociocultural Model
A model that incorporates biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors to explain health.
The growth and development of synapses in the brain, particularly during childhood.
Synaptic Pruning
The process of removing unnecessary or weak synapses to improve brain efficiency.
The specialization of brain functions in the left and right hemispheres.
The process of generating new neurons throughout life.
Neurocognitive Maintenance
The regular upkeep of brain health and function.
Health Disparity
Differences in health outcomes associated with social, economic, and environmental disadvantages.
A disease characterized by fragile bones due to severe mineral loss.
The period of maturation where adrenal hormones contribute to the development of secondary sexual characteristics.
The first occurrence of menstruation in females, typically between ages 11 and 15.
A boy's first ejaculation, around age 13.
Premenstrual syndrome, which includes symptoms like bloating and mood changes.
The gradual decrease in testosterone levels in aging males.
Culturally Competent Care
Healthcare that is sensitive to the cultural needs and values of patients.
Congenital Malformations
Defects present at birth, leading to significant health issues.
Plasticity (in the brain)
The brain's ability to change and adapt in response to experience.
Motor Vehicle Crashes
The leading cause of death in children, associated with accidents.
Being significantly overweight, associated with numerous health risks.
A chronic condition characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood.