AP Microeconomics unit 4 study guide
Perfect Competition
-Homogeneous products
-Large number of producers
-Price taker
-Easy entry/exit
-Independently acting sellers
-Perfectly elastic
-Produce at MR=MC
-Produces a product that has no close substitutes
-No entry/exit
-Single seller
-Regulated by government
-Has control over price (price maker)
-Produces at MR=MC
Monopolistic Competition
-Differentiated produces
-Highly competitive
-Easy entry/exit
-Large number of buyers/sellers
-Non-price competition
-Price makers
-Produces at MR=MC
-Homogeneous and differentiated products
-Few large producers
-Firms set price
-Mutual interdependence
-Produces at MR=MC
Profit maximizing quantity
In perfect competition
-Go to where MC touches Price
In monopolistic competition
-Go to where MC=MC then move up to demand line
Total Revenue
-Price times Quantity
Total Cost
ATC times quantity
Per unit profit
Total Profit
Fair return price
(demand is equal to price)
Socially Optimal price
(demand is equal to price)
Allocative efficiency
-Perfect competition
-Firm is producing the best price and quantity
Productive efficiency
-P=Minimum ATC
-Producing the maximum amount of goods with the least amount of resources
Game theory
-Only for oligopoly
-The study of strategic interactions among economic agents