Weak personality
Weak economy
Growing anger in countryside
Radicalism in cities
Discontent amongst ethnic minorities
The Poles and Finns demanded outright independence
Strong nationalist character to demands for local language and culture to be taught in schools
The Tsar dispatched 10,000 troops to Georgia
In Poland, there was a virtual state of civil war and the tsarist regime had to keep a force of 30,000soldiers there - Russian troops shot 93 Poles who took part in a demonstration
Known to be a heavy drinker and womaniser
Reputation of a mystical man who had hypnotic and powerful eyes
They said Rasputin was a sign of the Tsar’s weakness and unsuitability to rule Russia
The Tsar’s lack of concern showed just out of touch he was
He controlled her
Rumours of an affair between them
Tsarina gave influence to Rasputin