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Fascism -
Was an aggressive nationalistic movement that thought the nation more important than the individuals they believed that order in society and national greatness came from having a dictator Mussolini and hitler believed in Fascism .
Benito Mussolini -
Italy fascist dictator , downed italy fascist movement.
Vladimir Lenin -
Leader of the bolshevik party
Joseph Stalin -
Soviet communist dictator who wanted to industrialize the country and he killed millions of peasants who resisted his communist policy.
Adolf Hitler -
German dictator of the nazi party who killed millions and millions of people due to facism.
Nazi Party
- A far right political apartment in germany from 1920-1945 and created and supported the ideology of nazism
Nye Committee -
they documented the huge profits that arms factories had made during the war and created the impression these businesses influenced the decision to go to war.
Neutrality Acts (1935, 1937, + 1939) -
1935 neutrality act made it illegal for america to sell arms to any country at war.
1937 continuing the ban on selling arms to warring nation
1939 permitting the sale of weapons but on a cash and carry basis.
Dunkirk -
is a place in France where allied forces were trapped on the beaches. It is often called the miracle of Dunkirk because Hitler provided a 3 day delay and allowed allied forces to evacuate, saving a great loss from that battle.
Axis Powers -
Germany , japan and italy
Anschluss -
was the unification of all german speaking people including those in Austria and Czechoslovakia and he threatened to take over austria if they didn’t put austrian nazi in government posts.
Appeasement/Munich Conference -
Was when prime minister Neville wanted to appease hitler by giving him an area of Czechoslovakia with a large german speaking population.
Nazi-Soviet Non Aggression Pact -
Germany and the soviet union signed a pact that said they would not fight each other for 10 years but people did not know it called for a division of poland between germany and soviet union.
Invasion of Poland -
On september 1st germany invaded poland where the used lighting war a new type of warfare.
Winston Churchill -
conservative prime minister of britain during ww2
Battle of Britain -
a air battle campaign fought from britain and germany in the summer to fall of 1940 and it was a major turning point in world war 2.
Holocaust -
a horrific genocide in which killed 6 million jews , along million of other by nazi germany who set up concentration camps under urial condition , mass killings and mass graves.
Nuremberg Laws -
The Nuremberg Laws ( laws passed in 1935 thats stripped jews of their german citizens and outlawed german and jewish marriages , immigrations,etc. )
Kristallnacht -
Kristallnacht ( The was the night were the german and austria in 1938 broke into jewish family apartment terrorizing them , killing them hurting them and forcing them to concentration camps. )
Gestapo -
The government secret police that arrested 30,000 jewish men.
SS St. Louis -
May 27th 1939 the SS Fuis enters the harbor in Havana cuba with 930 jewish refugees on board who were refused the entrances of the refugees to cuba.
Wannsee Conference -
January 20th 1942 nazi leader met at this conference to coordinate the final solution of the jewish the “solution” was to round up jews, roma , Slavs and others from conquered areas and shoot them and make mass graves.
Concentration/extermination camps -
a camp where healthy and people are of age are detained or confined and the other was where sick , pregnant or young men and women and children we sent to be executed
Auschwitz -
was a extermination facility in poland and was built after the Wannsee conferences and Auschwitz alone house 100,000 people in 300 buried and the gas chamber killed 2,000 people at a time and 12,000 a day and 1,600,000 people died there 1,300,000 jews and other prisoners of war or Roma.
Atlantic Charter -
Roosevelt and Churchill met and developed this which committed both nations to a postwar world democracy , non aggression , free trade, economic advancement and freedom of the seas.
Export Control Act
Passed in 1940 and was designed to give the president authority to control the export military. To regulate trade to secure critical resource to make sure the US holds a good position.
Pearl Harbor
this was an island in Hawaii that was a US naval base that was destroyed and killed a lot of america due to a surprise attack by the japanese.
Cost-plus contracts -
A government contract to pay a manufactured the cost to produce an item at a guaranteed percentage
Reconstruction Finance Corporation -
The RFC was a government agency that was established during the great depression and provided financial support for banks , industries and other businesses.
Liberty Ship
- Kaiser built ships to go faster and they were basic cargo ships and they were easy to build and not that expensive,
Selective Service and Training Act
A law that made the draft for the army when you turn the age of 18 you would enter the draft to go to war,
“Double V” campaign -
this was to promote the fight for democracy . The campaign was to get a double victory, win the war against hitler and then go home and win the civil right way to end segregation and get the right to vote.
Disfranchised - .
African Americans were deprived of the right to vote and wanted to change it
Women in the armed services -
They were barred from combat so took roles like administrative and clerical and freed more men for combat,
Bataan Death March -
is remembered as one of the most horrific war crimes where Japanese took prisoners form a battle and made them walk 65 miles under brutal conditions, never leaving the sun, no covering, no rest and no water.
The Doolittle Raid -
Crane loaded sixteen B-25s onto aircraft carrier hornet and the next day it went across to fall on japan for the firsts time.
Battle of the Coral Sea -
3 carriers from both sides launched an airstrike against each other. Although the Japanese form landed in New guinea.
Battle of Midway -
It was the turning point in the war due to the great loss of 4 really large Japanese carriers and a high cost rate.
periphery/North Africa -
12 day battle at the egyptian coastal city of El alamein and the british secrets suez canal and forced germany to retreat in november and as the advance to north america they got caught in the mountains of western tunisia where they fought germans ( U.s invaded morocco's + Algeria , british battled german troops in egypt.)
Stalingrad -
The Germans goal was to capture the city and capture oil fields, factories , farmlands in southern russia and ukraine which was a major railroad junction and could cut off the soviet union resources . The battle they were forces to fight from house to house losing thousands of soldiers and they were not equip for the weather like the soviets,
“Rosie the Riveter” -
represented the women who worked in factories , shipyards during the war to symbolize strength and women being in the workforce.
A. Philip Randolph/March on Washington -
A civil right activist who organized the march for jobs and freedom
Bracero Program -
this was agreement to have mexican laborers in the united states to work temporality in the U.S
Sunbelt -
A new industrial region c southern california and the deep south that developed during World war ll
“Great Migration” -
When former slaves moved from the south to the north for better job opportunities.
Zoot Suit Riots -
A zoot suit had very baggy pleated pants and an overstuffed knee length jacket with a wide lapels that was very popular with Mexican america teenages.
Executive Order 9066 -
This authorities the military to remove Japanese americans from certain places in the united states,
Internment camps -
the imprisonment of people in large groups without charges or intent to file charges and it happened to japanese americans during the war.
Korematsu v. The United States -
This was when the United states put Japanese Americans in internment camps making them sell their home , quit their jobs to move to internet camps from fear of spies.
Rationing -
OPACS began to limit the purchase of many products ro make sure the military had enough supplies to feel / clothes the military.
Victory gardens -
A garden planted by citizens during the war ro raise vegetables for home use and leave the rest for the army and they spread the news of victory gardens in film reels, pamphlets and official statements.
E bonds -
initially issued financed to invest into the war effort.
D-Day -
D-day also named operation overlord was one of the largest amphibious landings in history and the successful took 60 miles of 5 beaches along the normandy coast
Island-Hopping/retaking the Philippines -
Island hopping is when a fleet would bypass heavily defend or strategically important islands and they would focus on lightly defended but strategically 2 days after pearl harbor they landed troops and held out for more than 3 months by march they were running low on supplies and later evacuated on april 9th the peninsula surrendered .
Battle of the Bulge -
when the allies advanced towards german border hitler wanted to cut allies supplies so they attacked belgium in a surprise attack and a snowstorm hit and they were out of fuel and had heavy losses and the allies broke though their defences.
Napalm -
A type of jellied gasoline that they would drop with B-29s to help them reach their target.
V-E Day/V-J Day - .
V-E ( may 8th) day is victory in Europe the day German forces surrendered and V-J (august 15th ) is victory of Japan and marks the day Japan surrendered
United Nations - .
Formed in 1945 a political and economic cooperation among countries to prevent another world war from happening
International Military Tribunal/Nuremberg Trials -
The US,britain , france and the soviet union created the IMT to punish german and japanese leader for war crimes and they held it it in Nuremberg germany where 107 german prison sentence and 25 japanese leader with war crimes but did not punish the emperor in fear of a japanese uprising.