The three plots against Elizabeth I.
What was the first plot against Elizabeth I?
The Ridolfi Plot in 1571, which aimed to assassinate her and place Mary, Queen of Scots, on the English throne with support from Spain.
What was the second plot against Elizabeth I?
The Throckmorton Plot in 1583, which sought to assassinate Elizabeth I and support a Spanish invasion to place Mary, Queen of Scots, on the throne.
What was the third plot against Elizabeth I?
The Babington Plot in 1586, which involved a conspiracy to assassinate Elizabeth and support Mary, Queen of Scots, with assistance from Spanish forces.
The Bond of Association
An agreement established in 1584 to protect Elizabeth I by allowing for the execution of anyone involved in plots against her.
Key people involved in the Ridolfi Plot, 1571
Robert Ridolfi - an Italian banker
Mary, Queen of Scots
Duke of Norfolk
Duke of Alba - leader of the Spanish Army
Phillip II
The Pope
Key people involved in the Throckmorton Plot, 1583
Francis Throckmorton - a young English Catholic
Mary, Queen of Scots
The Spanish Ambassador, Mendoza
Duke of Guise - a French noble and cousin to Mary, Queen of Scots
Phillip II
The Pope
Key people involved in the Babington Plot, 1586
Anthony Babington - a Catholic who carried letters in for Mary in the early 1580s
A fanatical priest - plotted the plan but already under surveillance by Elizabeth’s government
Mary, Queen of Scots
Duke of Guise - a French noble and cousin to Mary, Queen of Scots
Phillip II
The Pope