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Sigmund Freud
The founder of psychoanalysis and one of the most influential figures in psychology.
Unconscious, Preconscious, Conscious
What are the Levels of Mental Life?
Unconscious Mind
It contains hidden drives, urges, and instincts that we are not aware of, but these still influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Unconscious Mind
Even though we may know our behaviors, we often don't realize the unconscious reasons behind them.
Dreams, Slips of the Tongue, Repression
How Do we know the unconscious Exists? Through What according to Freud?
In this hidden thoughts appear in symbolic forms. Our hidden thoughts, desires, and fears appear, but not always in an obvious way. Instead, they show up in symbolic forms (things that represent something else)
Slips of the Tongue
It is saying something accidentally that reveals a deeper, hidden thought. Freud believed this happens because the unconscious mind is trying to express itself.
It is when something is too painful or stressful, the unconscious mind can push it away so we don't have to think about it. This happens without us realizing it, and the memory stays buried unless something triggers it
Preconscious Mind
It contains thoughts and memories that are not currently in our awareness but can become conscious either easily or with some effort
Conscious Perception, Unconscious Thoughts
What are the Two Sources of Preconscious mind?
Conscious Perception
It is the Information from our daily experiences that quickly moves out of our awareness when we focus on something else. These thoughts are mostly free from anxiety and are similar to conscious thoughts.
Unconscious Thoughts
It is the some unconscious thoughts try to enter the preconscious, but if they cause anxiety, a mental censor pushes them back into the unconscious. Those that succeed in entering the preconscious are often disguised to avoid being recognized as unconscious urges
Conscious Mind
It includes all the thoughts and perceptions that we are aware of at any given moment.
Conscious Mind
It is the only level of mental life directly available to us and plays a minor role in Freud's psychoanalytic theory
Perceptual Conscious System, Internal Mental Processes
Thoughts can reach consciousness in Two ways. What are they?
Perceptual Conscious System
Information from the outside world (what we see, hear, and feel) enters consciousness unless it is too threatening.
Internal Mental Processes
Thoughts can also come from the preconscious (non-threatening ideas) or the unconscious (but only if they are disguised).
Primary Censor, Final Censor
Before unconscious thoughts reach consciousness, they pass through two mental censors. What are these?
Primary Censor
It blocks unacceptable unconscious thoughts from entering the preconscious
Final Censor
It prevents some preconscious thoughts from becoming fully conscious unless they are disguised.
Id, Ego, SuperEgo
What are the Provinces of the Mind?
das Es
Id also known as (german)
das Ich
Ego also known as (german)
Uber-Ich also known as
Raw, unorganized, inborn part of personality. Basic instinct (seeking pleasure, avoid pain and suffering). Unconscious "we are not aware"
It is also known as the "Pleasure Principle"
Pleasure Principle
Id is also known as?
It connected to reality. Mostly in conscious and partly in unconscious
Also known as Reality Principle
Reality Principle
Ego is also known as?
It is the conscience of (what is right from wrong) ego ideal ( what and how we want to be) both in conscious and unconscious
Moral Principle
SuperEgo is also known as?
Also known as Moral Principle
Drives, Aggression, Sex, Anxiety
What are the 4 Dynamics of Personality?
It operates as constant motivational force. As an internal stimulus, This differ from external stimuli in that they cannot be avoided through flight
Sexual Drive
The entire body is invested with libido (energy for sexual drive) especially on the erogenous zones
Sexual Drives
The ultimate aim of the sexual drive (reduction of sexual tension) cannot be changed, but the path by which the aim is reached can be varied. can be expressed via narcissism, love, sadism, masochism
The aim of the destructive drive, is to return the organism to an inorganic state.
Because the ultimate inorganic condition is death, the final aim of the aggressive drive is self-destruction. can be express via teasing, gossip, sarcasm, humilation, humor and enjoyment of other people's sufferin
Freud emphasized that it is a felt, affective, unpleasant state accompanied by a physical sensation that warns the person against impending danger
Neurotic Anxiety, Moral Anxiety, Realistic Anxiety
What are the Types of Anxiety in Dynamics of Personality?
Neurotic Anxiety
It defined as apprehension about an unknown danger; during childhood, these feelings of hostility are often accompanied by fear of punishment, and this fear becomes generalized into unconscious neurotic anxiety.
Moral Anxiety
It stems from the conflict between the ego and the superego (should and should not)
Realistic Anxiety
It is defined as an unpleasant, nonspecific feeling involving a possible danger