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republic act no. 10121
the philippine disaster risk reduction and management act of 2010
republic act no. 10121
An act strengthening the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management system, providing for the national disaster
r i s k r e d u c t i o n a n d m a n a g e m e n t f r a m e w o r k a n d
institutionalizing the national disaster risk reduction and
management plan, appropriating funds therefor and for other
republic act no. 10121
Uphold the people's constitutional rights to life and property
by addressing the root causes of vulnerabilities to disasters,
strengthening the country's institutional capacity for disaster
risk reduction and management and building the resilience of
local communities to disasters including climate change
May 27, 2010
when did republic act no. 10121 was approved?
president gloria macapagal-arroyo
who approved the republic act no. 10121?
republic act no. 9729
Climate Change Act of 2009
republic act no. 9729
An act mainstreaming climate change into
government policy formulations, establishing the
framework strategy and program on climate
change, creating for this purpose the climate
change commission, and for other purposes.
republic act no. 9729
It is the policy of the State to afford full protection and the
advancement of the right of the people to a healthful ecology in
accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature. In this light,
the State has adopted the Philippine Agenda 21 framework
which espouses sustainable development, to fulfill human
n e e d s w h i l e m a i n t a i n i n g t h e q u a l i t y of t h e n a t u r a l
environment for current and future generations
president gloria macapagal-arroyo
who approved the republic act no. 9729
october 23, 2009
when did republic act no.9729 was approved?
republic act no. 10174
People’s Survival Fund Act
republic act no. 10174
An act establishing the people's survival fund to provide long-
term finance streams to enable the government to effectively
address the problem of climate change, amending for the
purpose republic act no. 9729, otherwise known as the "climate
change act of 2009′′, and for other purposes
president benigno aquino III
who approved republic act no. 10174
august 16, 2012
when did republic act no. 10174 ws approved?
republic act no. 10639
The Free Mobile Disaster Alerts Act
republic act no. 10639
An act mandating the telecommunications service providers to
send free mobile alerts in the event of natural and man-made
disasters and calamities
republic act no. 10639
The State shall, at all times, protect its citizenry in the events of
natural or man-made disasters and calamities. It shall likewise
exhaust all possible means to notify and inform its constituents of
the impending disasters to prevent injuries, destruction and loss of
lives and property.
president benigno aquino III
who approved republic act no. 10639
republic act no. 9514
Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of
republic act no. 9514
An act establishing a comprehensive fire
co d e o f t h e P h i l i p p i n e s , r e p e a l i n g
presidential decree no. 1185 and for other
republic act no. 9514
It is the policy of the State to ensure public safety and promote
e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t t h r o u g h the p r e v e n t i o n and
suppression of all kinds of destructive fires and promote the
professionalization of the fire service as a profession. Towards
this end, the State shall enforce all laws, rules and regulations
to ensure adherence to standard fire prevention and safety
measures, and promote accountability for fire safety in the fire
protection service and prevention service.
president gloria macapagal-arroyo
who approved republic act no. 9514
december 19, 2008
when did republic act no. 9514 ws approved?
project NOAH
Project NOAH is the Philippines' primary disaster risk
re d uction and management program. It was in itially
administered by the Department of Science and Technology
from 2012 to 2017, but is now managed by the University of the
project NOAH
was a response to President Benigno Aquion
III's call on a better disaster prevention and mitigation system
in the Philippines in the aftermath of the destructive Tropical
Storm Sendong in December 2011.
national operational assessment of hazards
what does NOAH means?
utilization of web portal
(http://noah.dost.gov.ph) and DOSTv , which provide real-time satellite, Doppler radar
etc. to inform the public to prepare against calamities. These activities are complemented
with the ninth component which is
strategic communication
u t i l i z i n g IEC (Information, Education and
Communication) activities.
landslide sensor development
aims to generate a sensor-based monitoring and
warning system for slope failures, landslides and debris flow
laDDeRS ( Local Development of Doppler Radar System)
targets to create a
Doppler radar able to detect sea surface parameters like wave, surface current velocity
and wind field
floodNET project
a f ood center that provides accurate and updated f lood
warning system;
Coastal Hazards and Storm Surge Assessment and Mitigation
detects coastal circulation, wave surge and refraction that helps determine and resolve
coastal erosion
Geohazards mapping through LIDAR
aims to identify areas prone to landslide
Disaster Risk Exposure Assessment for Mitigation –Light Detection and ranging project
an accurate 3D presentation of f loods and
hazard maps
Distribution of Hydro m e t devices
to detect typhoon and flood prone areas in the country
The Philippines, one of the signatory countries in the Hyogo
Framework of Action (HFA), has been constantly seeking for
innovative means to educate the general populace in response to
HFA’s Priority Action 3: Use knowledge, innovation and
education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all
disaster information for nationwide awareness project
project DINA
paves the way for the public exposition and access of disaster risk
reduction and management (DRRM) information materials. The project showcases a number of audio–visual presentations (AVPs) which discuss DRRM topics, enabling the public to undergo online DRRM–related instruction. Through this system, the public can gain disaster preparedness knowledge on what to do before, during and after