Paper 3 USA- Civil Rights Dates
when pressure was being put on politicians to have policies black people want as black voting was increasing
20% of black people in the south registered to vote
murder of Emmett Till
August 1955
Dixiecrats split from Democrats
Dixiecrats rejoined Democrats
founding of NAACP
Legal Defence Fund to help wrongly convicted black people with their appeals
Plessy v Ferguson ruling
founding of CORE
founding of RCNL Mississippi
Brown and 13 other parents went to court to fight for childrens right to go to closest school to them
NAACP took all cases as Brown v Topeka to Supreme
SC made no ruling and voted to hear more evidence for Brown v Topeka and try again
Dec 1952
Supreme Court ruled against Plessy v Ferguson
17th May 1954
Brown II case ruled desegregation of schools should happen as quickly as possible
May 1955
723 school districts desegregate
WCC set up
July 1954
LR9 go to school
3 September 1957
second day of LR9 at school and Eckford didn’t go with group
4 September 1957
Faubus removed his troops
23rd September 1957
Eisenhower signed presidential order to send troops to Little Rock
24 September 1957
Harry F Byrd of Virginia said he would close public schools in his state if they tried to desegregate
25th February 1956
WPC set up
Rosa Parks told to stand up on the bus but didn’t
1 December 1955
WPC called for one day boycott of buses
5 December 1955
MIA set up
5 December 1955
bus boycott decided to continue
8 December 1955
first carpools began
12 December 1955
King’s home bombed with his wife and child inside
30 January 1956
89 MIA members including King arrested for disrupting lawful business due to boycott
22 February 1956
NAACP filed Browder v Gayle against bus segregation
1 February 1956
Browder v Gayle came on trial
11 May 1956
court decided buses should be desegregated
5 June 1956
bus company appealed SC ruling
13 November 1956
SC upheld their desegregation decision
17 December 1956
MIA stopped the boycott
30 December 1956
first Civil Rights Act signed
9 September 1957
SCLC set up
January 1957
first sit in at Greensboro woolworths counter
1 February 1960
over 300 students working in shifts at counters
4 February 1960
Ella Baker invited student groups to meeting in Raleigh NC to plan protesting across south
15 April 1960
SNCC set up
15 April 1960
SC ordered the desegregation of bus station facilities in south
December 1960
first freedom rides left DC to go to south
4 May 1961
first freedom ride bus reached Anniston, Alabama
15 May 1961
ten riders took the bus from Nashville to Birmingham
17 May 1961
police escorted bus to just outside Montgomery and then left
20 May 1961
police escort accompanied bus from Montgomery to Jackson Mississippi
24 May 1961
federal gov said federal officers would enforce desegregation if states didn’t obey
1 Nov 1961
East Carolina University took its first black student with little violence
James Meredith reapplied to University of Mississippi which had previously rejected him
Meredith returned to register accompanied by 500 federal officials
30 September 1962
Meredith registered
1 October 1962
SNCC and NAACP organise campaign in Albany, Georgia
October 1961
SNCC, SCLC, ACMHR began Campaign C to end segregation in Birmingham
2 April 1963
6000 people marched in Birmingham
2-3 May 1963
march on Washington
28 August 1963
Freedom Summer set up by SNCC and CORE in Mississippi
summer 1964
Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, James Chaney arrested
21 June 1964
their bodies found in car
23 June 1964
600 protestors marched from Selma to Montgomery- Bloody Sunday
7 March 1965
Johnson used executive order to escort marchers from Selma to Montgomery
21-24 March 1965
King led march and gave speech in Montgomery
25 March 1965
Civil Rights Act
2 July 1964
Voting Rights Act
growth of black power began
Malcolm X born
Malcolm X went to prison for burglary and joined Nation of Islam in prison
Malcolm X left NOI and started Muslim Mosque Inc
Malcolm X assassinated
21 February 1965
Carmichael elected chairman of the SNCC
May 1966
James Meredith led March Against Fear through Mississippi
June 1966
Tommie Smith and John Carlos black power salute at olympics
Black Panthers set up
October 1966
25 cities with panther groups
years of major riots
New York riot
July 1964
Watts district, LA riot
August 1965
Chicago and Cleveland riots
Newark and Detroit riots
SCLC announced plans for Chicago Freedom Movement and King went to Chicago
7 January 1966
assassination of MLK
4 April 1968
MLK’s funeral
9 April 1968
new Civil Rights Act passed
SNCC changed N in its name from non-violent to national
Nixon president