Diatoms are single-celled and have a silica-based cell wall
Algae are multicellular that form large kelp forests underwater
Many live in soil, on trees & rocks, etc. love damp environments
Many live in water, including diatoms, water molds, green algae,& red algae
Most diatoms are stationary due to their thick silica cell wall
Dinoflagellates have flagella tails that can propel them through water
Many protists reproduce asexually through binary fission (cell division)
Some reproduce sexually: 2 individuals contribute genetic material to offspring that is genetically different from both parents. (no sex organs involved)
Protists that undergo photosynthesis are autotrophic (self-feeding) & are generally called algae
Heterotrophic protists get nutrients from their surroundings by either: absorbing nutrients directly through cell membranes or ingesting food
Use extensions of the cell membrane called pseudopods to surround & engulf prey
Other predatory protists create tine currents that sweep food particles into the mouth-like openings in the cell.
Free-living types in the soil that decompose organic dead matter
Parasites that live inside the bodies of other organisms, sometimes harming the host
Capture sunlight, turning it into fuel for all living things
Produce oxygen, allowing us to continue breathing
Pull carbon dioxide from the air, reducing dangerously high levels in the atmosphere
Some protists act as pathogens, causing illness & disease
Parasitic protists cause some common and sometimes deadly ailments in humans
“light blight” caused the Irish potato famine of 1840
“downy mildew” is a parasitic water mold that can destroy crops like grapes
Marine protists that release toxins that can accumulate to harmful levels in coastal areas “red tide”
Heterotrophic -Secrete enzymes to absorb nutrients
Mycelium body structure
Reproduce using spores
Hyphae- threadlike filaments
Septa- divide cells into partitions and pores to allow nutrients to pass through each cell
Chitin- in cell walls. It is tough and flexible
Fruiting bodies = reproductive spore-producing structures such as mushrooms, puffballs, or truffles
Provide antibiotics
Not all but many antibiotics are derived from fungi
The 1st antibiotic discovered, penicillin, is produced by a mold
Other medications are derived from fungi as well (cyclosporin)
build & maintain the soil
Dead plant material is decomposed into organic matter, adding nutrients that soil makes more fertile.
They hold the soil together preventing erosion
provide important medicines
No way to conduct water around the plant
No seeds: sperm & egg must meet in the water
MUST be around water
Have tube-like cells to spread water
Provide support & transport water
Allows for larger size and can move away from water
Plants have no seeds, so they still require sperm & egg to meet in the water
Some stay near water to continue reproduction
Pollen= tiny grains for reproduction
Dispersed by wind or pollinators
Eliminates the need for sperm to swim to the egg, so they can live and reproduce on dry land
Seeds protect the embryo as it grows and provide it with nourishment
Edible fruits entice animals to eat them: seeds pass through the digestive tract unharmed
Burr fruits cling to animal fur
Winged fruits are carried through the air