For us.
Do all annelids have hemoglobin?
No, some do and some do not.
What is the sac that earthworms use to store eggs?
In trochophore larva, what are the two taxa that are linked?
Annelids and Mollusks
What larva do annelids possess?
Trochophore Larva
What is metanephridia in Annelids?
An excretory organism
True or False: Coelom in Annelids have the lowest level of development compared to any other animal?
False, Annelids possess the greatest level of coelom development compared to other animals.
What are the two movement types that annelids possess?
Crawling and Swimming
Do annelids have a closed or open circulatory system?
Closed circulatory system
What is parapodia?
Used for annelid locomotion
What are the 3 blood colors found in annelids?
Green, Red, and Clear
How do organisms in class oligochaeta respire?
Through diffusion, moist skin.
What does polychaeta mean?
“Many Setae”
In phylum Annelida, what are its 3 classes
Oligochaeta, Polychaeta, Hirudinea.
What is Hirudin in Class Hirudinea?
A substance that acts as an anticoagulant, allowing leeches to feed on blood without clotting.
What organisms reside in class Hirudinea?
Leeches, which are segmented worms that primarily feed on blood.
Which one of the worms in class polychaeta contain operculum?
What are the four worm types in class polychaeta?
Sandworm, Tubeworm, Palaloworm, and Fireworm
What are setae?
Bristle-like structures used for annelid locomotion.
What is the difference between class oligochaeta and class polychaeta?
Class Oligochaeta has a poorly developed head.
Class Polychaeta has a well-developed head.
What are some characteristics in Phylum Annelida + define it?
Vermiform: worm shape form
Metamerism: segmentation
Setae: Chetae
Does class Hirudinea possess a coelom?
No, but it is still considered a eucoelomate.
What organism is native to class oligochaeta?
What does oligochaeta mean?
“Few Setae”