Two Factor Theory of Emotion
Physiological arousal occurs first (processes of the body)
Brain relies on external stimulation to identify + label emotion
-To test the Two Factor Theory of Emotion
Test role of cognitive factors in emotional experience
Know if you have an appropriate explanation for emotion, will you have appropriate label
Know if physiological arousal is needed for an emotional experience
If an individual experiences physiological arousal, with no immediate explanation, they will then label the state and describe it in terms of the cognitions available
If an individual experiences physiological arousal, for which they have an appropriate explanation, they will label it accordingly
Given the same circumstances, an individual will react emotionally/describe their feelings as emotions only if they have physiological arousal
-Emotional response (happy or angry)
Measured by:
Direct observations w/ behavioral checklist and one-way mirror
Self-reports questionnaire at end of study
-Physiological Arousal: what injection participants would get and what they are told
Epi-informed: injected with epinephrine and told true side effects
Epi-misinformed: injected with epinephrine and told false side effects
Epi-ignorant: injected with epinephrine and told nothing
Placebo: injected with saline and told nothing
-Participant’s explanation for why they feel the way they do
Informed: should NOT copy behavior of stooge + stooge will have nothing to do with their behavior
Misinformed: should copy the behavior of stooge and use stooge as explanation
Ignorant: should copy the behavior of stooge and use stooge as explanation
Placebo: no physiological arousal -- no need for explanation
-The Situation
Euphoric Behavior
Anger Behavior
Euphoric Informed
Euphoric Misinformed
Euphoric Ignorant
Euphoric Placebo
Anger Informed
Anger Ignorant
Anger Placebo
Injection of epinephrine -called' ‘Suproxin’
Placebo: saline shot
Private room: gets shot and told or not told side effects
Waiting room: one-way mirror for observation and stooge
Euphoric condition: paper, folders, wastebasket, hula hoop
Anger condition: ambiguous questionnaire that is sensitive/personal to elicit anger response for stooge
185 male college students taking classes in Introductory to Psychology at University of Minnesota
Received 2 extra credit points for every hour
All cleared by student health
1 Dropped out, 11 were suspicious of experiment
All participants will be given an injection
All participants in each condition received the same instructions in the same order
Stooge will always repeat same behavior in the same order
Items will always be placed in same location every time in the rooms
Questionnaire and Observations (behavioral checklist)
Euphoria Categories
-Joined in with stooge
-Initiated new activity
-Ignored stooge
-Watched stooge but did NOT join
Anger Categories:
-Agrees with stooge
-Disagrees with stooge
-Neutral towards stooge
-Initiate (start talking before stooge)
-Ignore stooge
-Watch stooge
Self-report questionnaire - subjective**
*Had control questions for effects of epinephrine
*False symptoms of control group (placebo-effect)
-2 questions embedded about emotional state (5-point scale)
How irritated, angry or annoyed do you feel?
How good or happy do you feel?
-2 questions embedded about physiological state (4-point scale)
Have you experienced any heart palpitations?
Do you feel any terror?
In all epinephrine conditions, it increased their pulse and experiences more heart palpitation than placebo group
(had more physiological arousal - only 5 people reported no symptoms)
Epi-informed reported less euphoria than both misinformed and ignorant (had explanation)
No significant difference with placebo
Epi-misinformed had highest level of euphoric activity
Epi-informed had least euphoric activity
Epi-informed had highest anger score
Epi-ignorant had lowest anger score
Epi-informed had lowest level of anger activity
Epi-ignorant had highest anger activity (joining in)