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What is the specific gravity of urine in newborns?
Immature glomeruli
Why is there a small amount of protein in the urine?
Uric acid crystals
What is formed in the bladder in utero, making the urine appear pink or dusky?
Immunizations against childhood diseases are not given to babies less than __ months of age as they still have difficulty forming antibodies.
Poliomyelitis, Measles, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Chickenpox, Rubella, Tetanus
Newborns have antibodies from the mother against what diseases?
Blink reflex
What reflex serves to protect the eye from any object coming near it by rapid eye closure?
Rooting reflex
What reflex serves to help the baby find food?
6th week
At what week does the rooting reflex disappear?
6 months
At what age does the sucking reflex diminish?
True or False: The swallowing reflex, along with the gag, cough, and sneeze reflexes, will never disappear.
The extrusion reflex involves the baby extruding any substance placed on the __ portion of the tongue, preventing the swallowing of inedible substances.
4 months
At what age does the extrusion reflex disappear?
6 weeks to 3 months
At what age does the palmar grasp reflex disappear, as a baby begins to grasp meaningfully?
Step-in-place reflex
What reflex involves holding newborns in a vertical position with their feet touching a hard surface, taking a few, quick alternating steps?
3 months
At what age does the step-in-place reflex disappear?
Placing reflex
Similar to step-in-place reflex, this reflex instead touches the anterior surface of a newborn’s leg against the edge of a bassinet.
8-9 months
At what age does the plantar grasp reflex disappear in preparation for walking?
Tonic neck reflex
Identify the reflex involved. When on his back, the infant’s arm and leg are extended on the side where the head is turned while the opposite side is flexed.
2-3 months
When does the tonic neck reflex disappear?
Moro Reflex (Startle reflex)
What is the singular, most important reflex indicative of neurological status, with the infant abducting and extending their arms and legs?
8, 4-5
Moro reflexes are strong for the first __ weeks of life and fades by the ends of __ months of life.
Babinski’s reflex
This reflex occurs when the side of the soles of the foot is stroked in an inverted J curve from the heel upward.
3 months
Until what age does the Babinski’s reflex remain positive?
Babkin reflex
This hand-to-mouth reflex involves putting your finger in their palm, and the baby will bring its fist up and try to insert the finger.
Magnet reflex
Identify the reflex. While the newborn is lying in a supine position, pressure is applied to the soles of the feet, where he pushes back against the pressure.
Crossed extension reflex
Identify the reflex. When a newborn lies supine and one leg is extended, if the sole of that foot is irritated or rubbed with a sharp object, the baby raises the other leg.
Trunk incurvation reflex
Identify the reflex. Place the newborn in a prone position and stroke the paravertebral area on the back. The infant will flex their trunk and swing the pelvis towards the touched area.
Landau reflex
Identify the reflex. When held in a prone position with the hand underneath supporting the trunk, there should be a demonstration of some muscle tone.
Magnet and landau reflex
What reflexes check spinal cord integrity?
Deep tendon reflex
What reflex can be elicited by tapping the patellar tendon with the tip of the finger, testing for spinal nerves L through L?
C5 and C6
The biceps reflex aims to test for which spinal nerves?