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Industrial Revolution + Nationalism =
Imperialism - Colonization
Cecil Rhodes
- Champion of British Imperialism
- British are the finest race & imperial expansion is its duty
Britain dominates the world during the
Old Imperialism = Trading Post Empires =
Empires of the Wind
Searching for
gold, silver, spices, silk, porcelain
Britain begins to dominate after
7 Years War (1756-1763)
New Imperialism
Industrial Revolution allows Europeans to dominate the world
Europeans acquire
large territories for mining (tin, copper) & plantations (sugar/rubber)
Searching for industrial products...
tin, copper, rubber, and cotton meat/wheat for workers
Employ indirect rule since
territories were so large (India and Dutch East Indies)
industrial revolution
need raw materials & markets for finished/manufactured goods
economic competition w/ other nations
mercantilism is an economic philosophy in which countries attempted to win more bullion (gold/silver) than each other
extreme nationalism
country with the most colonies wins
turn siam (thailand) into a buffer states separates
France Indochina from Burma/India
Geopolitical motives:
british need to control strategic sea lanes
a. malacca strait (singapore)
b. strait of gibraltar
c. india
d. suez canal (lifeline)
e. capetown (tip of africa)
population pressure:
europeans move to temperate regions looking for work
unwanted population (convicts/debtors)
go to australia
50 million europeans will migrate between
religious motives
europeans desire to spread christianity
social darwinism
belief that europeans has evolved to a higher level and were more fit to rule the world
White Man's Burden
rudyard kipling
- belief that the british were the most fit race on earth and were obligated to spread civilization to the "less fit" people of the world
France - mission civilisatrice
tools of empire
- transportation
- military
- communication
a. steamships
b. canals (suez/panama)
c. railroads
a. steamships (gunships)
b. military weaponry (maxim machine gun - 11 bullets/sec)
a. steamships
b. railroads
c. telegraph (submarine lines) *2 years to 5 hours
types of colonial rule
a. concessionary rule (company rule)
b. indirect rule
c. direct rule
d. settler rule
concessionary rule (company rule)
private company empowered to build infrastructure/collect taxes
a. inexpensive
b. brutal
c. not much profit for britain
indirect rule
british rule through local rulers
a. use indigenous mughal rulers/nobles/rajas as zamindars to collect taxes/maintain order for the British rulers
direct rule
french rule directly ** French indochina (vietnam, cambodia, laos)
a. europeans collect taxes and maintain order directly
settler rule
europeans migrate to temperate regions and create significant majority
a. french in algeria, dutch/british in s. africa, british in australia & new zealand
scramble for africa
interior of africa opened during 1875-1900
- sometimes called dark continent because it was mysterious
dr livingstone
missionary who provided information about africa
henry stanley searches for
livingstone and explores congo for king leopold
britain to take over egypt to protect
the suez canal lifeline to india
king leopold (belgium) ruthlessly rules
congo (develops rubber plantations)
south africa
dutch establish cape town as a supply station in 1652
dutch settlers are also known as
boers or afrikaners
boer war
dutch v south africa
british defeat the dutch boers in a particularly vicious war
australia aka
new holland/tetra australis (southern)
xhosas kill their cattle, believing it would
drive the whites to the sea
British impose "white rule or black africans" to
appease the afrikaners
berlin conference of 1884-5
led by the German, otto von bismark
a. colonization of africa
b. only Ethiopia (defeated italy) and liberia (freed am. slaves) remained independent
india ruled by
the british east india company
sepoys rebel because
the animal fat-greased cartridges
british government takes over india and creates the
british raj
queen victoria = empress of india
a. educate indian elite (like gandhi) to help rule india
b. indian national congress * push for autonomy/sef-government
british establish settler colonies in
australia (convicts) and new zealand
disease devastate the ___ peoples
indigenous (aborigines & maoris)
oceania partitioned:
but europe needed naval ports & coaling stations
the emergence of new imperial powers
united states and japan
monroe doctrine
americas become a protectorate *no european colonization
united states acquire
puerto rico, cuba (kinda), guam & phillipines after SP-AM war
Filipinos led by Emilio Aguinaldo, rebel against
the US but loses
US and British investments in latin america creates
economic imperialism
ottoman empire loses balkans because of
nationalism (greece & serbia)
consequences of imperialism - global economy
colonies transformed into exporting regions (india transformed)
consequences of imperialism - long distance migration is stimulated
european settlers and asian indentured servants *partiuclarly indentured servants to guyana/caribbean
consequences of imperialism - global conflict between empires
one causes of WWI
consequences of imperialism - independence movements stimulated by nationalism
india & phillipines