The process of spreading out particles of a substance from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.
Concentration Gradient
The difference in concentration between two regions, driving the movement of particles.
A state in which the concentration of particles is even throughout the solution, resulting in no net movement.
Kinetic Energy
The energy that drives the random movement of molecules and ions during diffusion.
Partially Permeable Membrane
A cell membrane that allows some molecules to cross easily while restricting others.
Oxygen and Glucose in Cells
Substances that move into and out of cells by diffusion across the cell membrane.
Small openings on the surfaces of leaves that allow gases like CO2 and oxygen to diffuse in and out.
The process by which plants use CO2 from the air, which diffuses into leaves through the stomata.
Net Movement of Molecules
The overall movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.
Waste Products Diffusion
The process that helps living organisms to get rid of waste substances through diffusion.