statistical method used to summarize average effect size and statistical significance across studies
used to infer overall patterns
a class of steroid hormones that occur at a slightly higher level in males than females.
affect physical development and functioning from the prenatal period onward
children actively seek to understand the meaning of gender through observing and interacting with the world around them
there are cognitive developmental chanes in children’s understanding of gender during early childhood
gender identity
gender stability
gender constancy
the self-identifying as a boy, girl, both, or neither
happens around 30 months of age
the awareness that gender remains the same over time
begins at around 3-4 years of age
alternative to Kohlberg’s explanation of children’s gender development
holds that the motivation to enact gender-typed behaviour begins as soon as children can label their own and other’s gender (which is usually at about 3 years of age, which is younger than when gender constancy is attained)
this theory depicts a triadic model of reciprocal causation among personal factors (cognitive, motivational + biological processes), environmental factors, and behaviour patterns
primarily addresses cognition and motivation
ingroup bias
ingroup assimilation
developmental intergroup theory
gender self-socialization model
integrates ideas from cognitive-developmental theory, gender schema theory, and social identity theory
highlights three key processes that contribute to the development of stereotyping and prejudice based on a person’s gender
1. establishing the psychological salience of gender
categorizing individuals based on their gender
developing stereotypes and prejudices based on this categorization
gender-differentiated colours, hair, clothing styles
gendered nouns, and pronouns
gender-designated bathrooms
gender-segregated sports
single-gender schools
introduced David Perry
bridges gender schema theory, social cognitive theory, social identity, and other theoretical approaches
emphasizes how much of gender development is a process of self-socialization
builds on balanced identity theory
stereotype emulation hypothesis
stereotype construction hypothesis
identity constructional hypothesis
differentiates among interconnected systems within the child and in the child’s environment.
range from the microsystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem.