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authorised share capital
maximum amount of money that can be legally raised
bank overdraft
an agreement between a business and a bank where a business can spend more money than it has in its account. interest is only charge when they business spends more than the agreed amount.
capital gain
profit made from selling a share for more than it was bought
crowd funding
where a lage number of individuals invest in a business or project over the internet
a long term loan to a business
a ordinary share
external finance
money raised from outside the business
issued share capital
amount of current share capital gained from the sale of shares
a contrct to aquire the use of resources such as property or equipment
peer to peer lending
where individuals lend to other individual without prior knowledge of them on the internet
permanent capital
share capital that is never repaid by the company
secured loans
where the lender requires security such as property incase the borrower defaults or cannot repay it
share capital
money introduced into the business through the sale of shares
unsecured loans
there are no assets that the lender has rights to if the borrower defaults
share capital
money introduced into the business
venture capitalists
provider of fund for small or medium sized companies that are considered too risky for other investors
sources of external finance
family and friends
peer to peer ending
business angels
crowd funding
venture capitalism
family and friends
family and or close friends
money is loan
little to no interest
do not interfere directly or have ownership
if cannot be repaid valuable relations can be lost
suitability of family or friends as a source of external finance
small businesses
lifestyle businesses
business start-ups
businesses with high flexibility
usualy involve start up because bank accounts are required for that
required for financial transactions such as salaries
formal application required
suitability of banks as a source of external finance
Large sums of money are able to be loaned from the bank, but it is likely to be much easier for bigger businesses such as PLC to lend money from banks than smaller businesses such as Sole traders.Banks typically have lower interest rates compared to other sources of external finance, but they also require businesses to meet strict credit criteria and may involve lengthy approval processes.
peer to peer lending description
occurs online so its faster
organised by specialists
no knowledge or relationship with the lender needed
sites may charge a percentage of the price
suitability of peer-to-peer lending as a source of external finance
Best for smaller amounts due to quicker, unsecured loans without personal relationships.
used for small businesses
business angels
people who invest large sums of money in exchange for a percentage of the business during start up. usually offer financial advice
tax relief is offered for business angels
surplus income
must have a unified vision in order to be succesfull
can heavily influence a business
suitability of peer-to-peer lending as a source of external finance
high interest rates
often unsecured
used in small businesses
crowd funding in detail
a large number of investors who invest in small amounds on online platforms such as kickstarter
no credit rating required
persuasive business plan required
negative publicity
suitability of crowd funding as a source of external finance
Successful campaigners often need strong marketing skills and a compelling business plan to attract potential investors. However, potential concerns include the risk of negative publicity if the project fails, and issues like plagiarism of ideas might arise.
venture capitalism
used for business investments at layer stages in a business and are entitled to a share of profit
methods of getting finance
share capital
trade credit
banks (3)
secured loan
unsecured loans
share capital detailed method
money introduced through the sale of shares
can be sold for higher than the asking price
occurs in public limited companies
shares are sold on the stock market
buying shares entitles the owner to a vote
3 types of shares
ordinary shares:shares can be bought and sold at higher prices and entitle voting rights
preference shares: offered to special people who get fixed rates and do not have voting rights . but they are entitled to dividends before ordinary shareholders
deferred shares: a share that does not have any rights to the assets of a company undergoing bankruptcy until all common and preferred shareholders are paid.
an amount of money given by the government to a businesses that meet specific criteria
do not need to be repaid
must be used for intended purpose
trade credit
used for revenue expenditure and used at a later date e.g 30 to 90 days
interest free
no discounts for early payment
a contract used to aquire the use of resources like property or equipment
no large sums of money are needed
maintenance and repair is not a cost
high quality equipment
useful for occasional usage of equipment
easier to aquire