What was the name of the man in Genesis 10 who was known as the mighty hunter?
What was the name of the land that people were settling in chapter 10
What does Babel mean?
Who is the father of Lot?
name of the city that Abram lived in before God’s call?
Ur of the Chaldeans
name of the city that Abram’s father Terah died in?
How old was Abraham when he left Haran?
Where did Abram build his first altar to the Lord in Canaan?
Why did Abram go down into Egypt?
To sojourn there
Why did Abram fear the Egyptians?
He did not want them to kill him.
Why did Lot and Abram separate?
The land couldn’t support both of them living together.
What place did Lot choose to dwell in?
The Jordan valley.
Where did Abram go and move his tent after separating with Lot
In the land of Canaan.
How many servants did Abram take with him to go rescue Lot?
What was the name of the King of Salem who was also a Priest?
What did Abram give to the King of Salem?
A tenth of everything
What were the names of the three allies of Abram?
Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre
Who does Abram mention as his only heir in chapter 15?
Eliezer of Damascus
What analogy did God use to show Abram how many descendants he would have?
What two objects passed between the slain animal pieces?
A flaming torch
What was the name of Sarai’s handmaid?
What was the name of the child that Abram had with Saria’s handmaid?
What does Ishmaels name mean?
God will hear
How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?
What does Abraham’s name mean?
Father of many nations
How old was Abraham when God told him he would have another son?
What was the name that God said Abraham’s son would be called?
Who is the main author of the bible
Holy Spirit
what does Neo mean
what does Ortho mean
what does dox mean?
Prophet def.
functions as God’s representative for man
Priest def.
functions as man’s representative before God
King def.
functions as God’s divinely appointed authority over man
Pentateuch def
reveals man’s need for a perfect priest
1st 5 books shows the special relationship was broken by man’s disobedience
man is in need of a substitute, someone/thing must represent him before God
Human priest would have to offer a sacrifice for himself and for the people continually
through sacrificial system man could have his sin covered pointing to one day when the perfect priest would come, make one offering, and take all their sins away
What do the historical books reveal
man’s need for a perfect king
Name the 5 poetical books
Song of Solomon
What does the book of Job reveal
What does the book of Psalms reveal
his prayer life
What does the book of Proverbs reveal
What does the book of Ecclesiates reveal
What does the Song of Solomon reveal
his love for his people