Intensive means lots of human labor working one field
What is the difference between extensive and intensive agriculture?
All of the following are plantation crops EXCEPT
Pastoral nomadism
All of the following are forms of commercial agriculture EXCEPT
organic farming
Which method of farming has become more popular in response to use of pesticides in farming?
Shifting cultivation
Which type of agriculture occupies the largest percentage of the world’s land area?
market gardening
Horticulture (market gardening) occurs in which zone of von Thunen's model of land use?
Intensive Subsistence
Which type of agriculture is practiced by the largest percentage of the world’s people?
All of the following crops might be grown on a truck farm EXCEPT
genetic engineering
Which of the following was developed during the Third Agricultural Revolution?
A feeding operation that prepares an animal for slaughter by increasing its weight rapidly is
Which of the following is NOT an example of a staple food in Central America?
The farming of oysters is an example of
Which of the following is not an example of a luxury crop?
The seasonal movement of people and livestock by seasons
Transhumance can be best described as
Southeast Asia, Mesoamerica, Southwest Asia
Which of the following are the earlier centers of plant domestication?
Are growing food to feed their families
People who engage in subsistence agriculture
Transport costs are greater farther from the urban area
The farther a dairy farm is from a city, the lower the percentage of fresh milk. This is because
Central America
Area probably the first to develop cotton, corn, beans as primary agriculture products?
Agricultural product that the majority of the world’s population depends upon for survival is
switch to organic farming practices
One option for small family-owned farms to increase the market value of their crops would be
Which was the dominant staple crop for ancient Egypt and the rest of the Fertile Crescent?
hunting and gathering
The first method of obtaining food was
typical for tropical forests
Slash and burn is
Which of the following was not a location of independent plant and animal domestication?
is/are widespread in semiarid climates throughout the world.
urban sprawl
is a common cause of decreasing farmland in rapidly growing urban areas.
plantation farming
This type of agriculture occurs in LDC's but is generally owned by MDC's:
According to Von Thunen, dairy farming would occur in ring #
According to Von Thunen, ranching would occur in ring #
Mediterranean agriculture
depends on warm wet winters and dry summers along coastal areas
export-based agriculture
In the developing world, plantation crops like bananas, coffee, and sugar are examples of
indian elephant
Which animal was used as a ceremonial animal, a beast of burden, and a weapon of war?
low-cost human labor
The following are all factors in the Green Revolution except
The staple crop of the Andean culture hearth of the Incan peoples was
How old is the practice of farming?
Central and Southern California
Mediterranean agricultural products are grown in the U.S. primarily in
a peace treaty
Which of the following is not a product of the secondary industries?
According to Von Thunen, with which of the following will the land be farmed most extensively?
agriculture emerged
Animal domestication became possible when
crops and livestock
Agriculture is the deliberate tending of _______ in order to produce food and fiber.
The region of the world home to the most large animal domestications is:
the industrial revolution
The second agricultural revolution was influenced by
they resisted domestication
Animals in Africa were difficult to domesticate because:
According to von Thunen’s model, which of the following products is most likely in zone 4?
Land values decrease farther from the urban center.
Von Thunen’s model of rural land use is based on which of the following premises?
in fertile river valleys
Hearths of early Eurasian agriculture were generally located
China, India, Turkey, Mexico.
Hearth regions of early agriculture included present-day
In India, farming occupies what % of the population?
zone 2
Von Thunen's model has a ring of forest in which zone?
tea, beans, and citrus fruits
Which of the following is a crop of the Upper Southeastern Asian Mainland?
period of fallow is too short for proper nutrient regeneration
Swidden agriculture can have negative environmental impacts if
sowing of seeds
The first agricultural methods probably involved the
control of fire
Which of the following plays a big part in shifting cultivation?
market gardening
In what zone of von Thunen’s model would the fruit production method of farming best fit?
Ukraine or Eastern Europe
Which area of the world would most likely lead the others in the production of wheat?
northeastern Africa
Which area of the world was the first to domesticate cattle, sheep, and goats?
The number of farmers has greatly decreased but the food supply has risen
Which statement accurately describes the recent trend(s) in agriculture in the United States?
What percentage of the world's workforce is involved in farming?
Neolithic period
What is another name for the First Agricultural Revolution?
seed drill and plow
Which two Middle Ages inventions ushered in the Second Agricultural Revolution?
Which agricultural Revolution is characterized by the use of chemicals and monoculture?
Which corporation owns the patents to many of the world's seeds?
wet rice
Which type of farming involves terraces and water?
truck farming
Which type of commercial agriculture is prevalent in the Southeast U.S."
draining water for irrigation
What caused the demise of the Aral Sea?
The use of GIS and GPS to pinpoint features of farmland
What is "precision agriculture?"
The more wealthy people become, the more they make poor food choices
What has happened if there is "nutrition transition?"