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Options defendant has
dispute the entire claim
admit liability of the entire claim
admit liability for part of the claim
Schedule A of a defence should begin with
alternative versions of facts
After the admissions, denials, alternate versions, the defence then has
numbered paragraphs setting out allegations of fact the defendant relies on
Admissions, partial admissions, denials, partial denials, no knowledges, do NOT
constitue an affirmative defence
Affirmative defence is intended to convince the court that
a defendant did not cause the harm alleged by the plaintiff
a defendant only caused part of the harm alleged by the plaintiff
Expiry of a limitation period is an __ to commencing a plaintiff’s claim or a defendant’s claim
absolute bar
T/F: a limitations defence is an affirmative defence
T/F: a limitation defence will be automatically considered by the judge
false, it must be specifically pleaded
Under Rule 3.02, paralegal shall - and - a client to - or - a dispute whenever possible to do so on a - basis, and shall - client from commencing or continuing - legal proceedings
advise and encourage
compromise or settle
reasonable basis
Two forms of settlement payment
lump sum
If a defendant does not dispute a dependant’s proposal to the terms of settlement within 20 days after service, the proposal is - and defendant is -
deemed to be accepted
required to make payments as if the proposal were a court order
If defendant defaults on any payment, plaintiff may then
serve defendant with notice of default of payment
Notice of default of payment is form
Form 20L
Once defendant is served with notice of default payment, they must respond in -
15 days from date of service
If defendant does not pay within 15 days of being served notice of default payment, plaintiff may file - which is Form -
affidavit of default of payment
Form 20M
Affidavit of default of payment states
defendant failed to make payment in accordance with the proposal
amount paid by defendant and unpaid balance
15 day shave passed since service of notice
Once affidavit of default and affidavit of service of notice are filed, the clerk shall
sign judgment for unpaid balance of undisputed amount
How does a plaintiff dispute a defendant’s proposal of terms of payment
filing request to clerk for a terms of payment hearing within 20 days after service of the defence
Who schedules the terms of payment hearing
the clerk
When is a defendant’s claim used
when defendant sues the plaintiff
Counter claim
claim made by defendant back over against a plaintiff
Cross claim
claim made by a defendant over against a co-defendant
Third-party claim
claim made by defendant against a person not named in the plaintiff’s claim
Defendant’s claim must be filed within - of when
20 days of date on which defence is filed
after the 20 days but before trial or default judgment with leave
An admission by defendant of certain allegations of fact (is or is not) admission of liability
Denying or stating alternatives versions (does or does not) constitute a defence
does not
Affirmative defences
defendant’s legal grounds for disputing the claim
In a defendant’s claim, defendant becomes
plaintiff by defendant’s claim
In a defendant’s claim, plaintiff becomes
defendant by plaintiff’s claim
Why would a defendant’s claim NOT be tried with plaintiff’s claim
it will complicate or delay trial of plaintiff’s claim
cause undue prejudice to any party
If the judge deems defendant’s claim should not be tried with plaintiff’s claim, court will order - or direct that
separate trials
direct that defendant’s claim proceed as separate action
change or correct pleading with intent to improve or make more complete
Additions shall be _ on the pleadings and deletions or other changes shall be -
clearly identified
Amended pleading must be
marked amended and filed with the clerk
served on all parties at least 30 days before trial
Court may strike out or amend all or part of a document if
it discloses no reasonable cause of action or defence
it may delay or make it difficult to have a fair trial, is inflammatory, waste of time, nuisance, or abuse of process