Mortal sin
A grave infraction of the law of God. It results in total rejection of God and alienation from him
(A personal sin that involves serious matter, sufficient reflection, and full consent of the will.)
Venial Sin
Personal sin that weakens but does not kill a person’s relationship with God.
(The failure to observe in lesser matters the obligations of the moral law.)
Social Sin
A cycle of sin, violence, and injustice caused by individual sins, often leading to structures of sin in society
heartfelt sorrow for and aversion to sins committed, along with the intention to sin no more
The statement where a priest declares forgiveness of sins to a repentant sinner in the Sacrament of Penance.
(“I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
A change of mind or heart. A key duty for a disciple of Christ is to turn from sinfulness and embrace the way of the Cross.
(From the Greek word metanoia)
In righteousness you should judge your neighbor
The relationship between God and humans that results in a body of beliefs and a set of practices by those committed to serving and worshiping God. Religion expresses itself in worship of and service to God and to all person and creation
deliberate and free promises made to God concerning a possible and better good which must be fulfilled by reason of the virtue of religion
Profane or unworthy treatment of the sacrament, other liturgical actions, persons, places, or things consecrated to God
the buying or selling of spiritual goods
hateful, defiant, reproachful thoughts, words, or acts against God, Jesus, the Church, the saint, or holy things
an interior judement of conscience that acknowledges that you are a sinner
when a person fails to keep a promise sworn under oath or takes an oath with no intention of keeping it
How does sin manifest itself?
Attitude- the belief that one can go along without God and others
Action and Failure to Act- to not act in a situation that calls for positive actions
Abuse of power- corrupt powers that are too powerful to overthrow
How does the CCC define sin?
An offense against reason, truth, and right conscience
A failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by perverse attachments to certain goods
An utterance, deed, or desire contrary to the eternal law
How does vice affect you?
It clouds the conscience and corrupts judgement of good and evil
What must we do in order to receive Christ’s forgiving grace and mercy?
The Sacrament of Penance
What does our freedom have the power to do?
To make choices with no turning back
What is the antidote to social sin?
Interdependence and Solidarity
(committing oneself to serve their neighbor and avoiding opportunities to exploit others
What is the relationship between love and law
Love fulfills the law
What are we really doing when invoking the name of God in a promise?
Calling on his honor, truth, fidelity, and authority
How is an outward sacrifice and expression of a spiritual sacrifice?
It has to come from the heart and include love for the neighbor
What are the commonly used names for sin in the Old Testament?
Hattah- missing the mark
Pesha- rebellion
Awon- guilt or iniquity
What are the commonly used name for the sin in the New Testament?
Lawlessness- contempt for God and his Law
Injustice- Failure to do right, especially towards others
Falsehood or darkness- sin that opposes God’s truth which can be found only in Jesus
What were Jesus’ warnings about sin?
That some sins lead to eternal damnation
How are we supposed to admonish the sinner?
In a Christ-like manner, with humility and true love for the other person
What is the only unforgivable sin?
Hardness of heart
What is essential to our salvation in Christ?
The message of conversion
Define atheism and agnosticism
Atheism- to deny God’s existence
Agnosticism- to be ignorant towards God’s existence
List way to follow the 1st Commandment
Adoration- the first act of religion
Prayer- lifting one’s mind and heart to God
Sacrifice- offering oneself to God
Honoring promises, vows, and sacraments
List ways to follow the 2nd Commandment
Respect God’s name; Respect the names of Jesus, Mary, and the Saints; Respect your own name and the names of others
List ways to follow the 3rd Commandment
Liturgical prayer (mass), works of Charity on the Lord’s day
Recreation- stop the daily routine, spend to to refresh the mind/body/spirit, spend time with family
List sins against the 1st commandment
Idolatry- the worship of false gods
Superstition- giving excess importance to external actions
Divination- attempting to foretell the future
Magic- when one appeals ot hidden powers to gain power over others
Irreligion- absence of religion or hostility towards religion
Atheism and Agnosticism- nonbelief in God
List sins against the 2nd Commandment
Breaking promises made in God’s name, Taking the Lord’s name in vain, Perjury, Blasphemy
List sins against the 3rd commandment
Missing mass on sundays and holy days of obligation, failing to pray, failing to keep holy the Lord’s day
What are the 3 conditions for a sin to be considered mortal?
Grave matter- if it goes against the commandments
Full knowledge- if it is known that the action is serious and contrary to God’s commands
Complete Consent- the person gave full consent to doing the action
Name 2 kinds of vows that you can make to God
Vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience