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Statical data of a population. In healthcare, this include the patient name, address, date of birth, employment, and other details.
An unexpected event that throws a plant into disorder, an interruption that prevents a system or process from continuing as usual or as expected.
Established patient
A patient who has been treated by the healthcare provider within the past three years.
Means of achieving a particular and, as in a situation requiring urgency or caution.
Follow up appointment
An appointment type use when a patient need to see the provider after the condition should have been resolved for to monitor or an ongoing condition, such as hypertension. Also known as reaching appointment.
Essential, being An indispensable part of whole
Space of time between events.
The environment in which something is created or thick shape.a base on which to build.
No show
Failure of a patient to keep an appointment without advance notice .
Notice of privacy practices NPP
A written document describing the healthcare facility privacy practices.
Rules that control how some things should be done, guideline, or boundaries.
Patient portal
A secure online website that give patient 24 hour access to personal health information using a username and password.
Practice management software
A type of software that allows the use to enter demographic information, schedule appointments, maintain list of insurance payers, perform billing task, and generate reports.
A process required by some insurance carriers in which the provider obtain information to perform certain procedure or service or refer the patient to a specialist.
The process of determining if a procedure or service is covered by the insurance plan and what the reimbursement is for the procedure or service.
Scale as a result of training or practice.
Progress notes
Documentation and the medical record that track the patient’s condition and progress.
System for examining and separating into different groups, and the healthcare facility, it means determining the severity of illness that patient experience and prioritizing appointment based on the severity.
Verification of eligibility
The process of confirming health insurance coverage for the patient.