Mesa Verde Cliff Dwellings Montezuma County, Colorado, Anasazi, 450-1300
Chavin de Huantar (Peru) c900-200 BCE
Yaxchilan, Chiapas, Mexico, Mayan
Great Serpent Mound, Southern ohio, Mississippian, ce1070
Tenochtitlan Tempolo Mayor in Mexico City, Aztec, 1375-1520ce
Ruler's Feather Headdress, Mexico, Aztec, 1428-1520
City of Cusco, Santa Doming convent, Peru, 1440
Maize Cobs, Inca culture, 1440-1533ce, sheet metal
City of Machu Picchu, Inca, 1450-1540
A LL-T'oqapu Tunic, Inca, 1450-1540, Camel Fiber and Cotton
Bandolier bag, Delawere Tribe, 1850ce, beadwork on leather
Transformation mask, Kwakwaka'wakw, NE Canada, late 19th Wood, paint and string
Painted Elk Hide, Shoshone, Wyoming, 1890-1900, painted elk hide, Cadzi Cody
Black on Black ceramic vessel, Pueblo, New Mexico, 1920-50, Maria Martinez
Conical Tower and Circular Wall of Great Zimbabwe, Shona, 100-1400, Granite
Great Mosque of Djenne, Mali 1200 (rebuilt 20th century) Adobe brick
Wall Plaque from Oba's palace Edo Culture Benin, Nigeria c 1550 ce Brass (Portuguese)
Sika Dwa Kofi (Golden Stool) Ashanti culture (Ghana) c 1700 CE Gold applied over wood
Ndop (portrait figure) of King Mishe ma Mbul, Kuba culture DRC 1760-1780 wood
Power Figure (Nkisi n'kondi) Congo culture DRC c 1880s Wood and metal
Pwo Mask, Chokwe culture, DRC, 1900ce, Wood, fiber, pigment, metal
Mblo (portrait) mask, Baule culture Ivory Coast, 1920 ce, Wood & Pigment
Bundu Mask, Sande Culture, Sierra Leone & Liberia, Wood, Cloth, Fiber
Ikenga Shrine Figure, Igbo, 19th-20th, Wood
Lukasa (memory Board) Liba peoples DRC 19th-20th century Woods, beads, metal
Aka elephant mask, Cameroon, 19th-20th cent. wood, cloth, beads
Reliquary Figure (Byeri) Fang culture Cameroon 19th-20th wood
Veranda post of enthroned king and his senior wife, Yoruba culture, 1910, wood and pigment olwe of Ise (artist)