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oral tradition
for several decades, the authority of the Lord resided in
preferred, written gospels
Christians probably _____ the oral tradition for
decades after _____ were available"
words of Jesus, gospel
Distinction between "______" from '______', a term used in 150 AD onward
canon, not included
Many gospels were written which were _______ eventually in the ______
gospel of Thomas, Gnostics, Infancy Gospel of James about
childhood of Mary
Many gospels were written which were not included eventually in the canon:
Gospel of Thomas
[Many gospels were written which were not included eventually in the canon] Sincere attempts to record things Jesus said and did
[Many gospels were written which were not included eventually in the canon] Apologetics against heretics, such as the ___
Infancy Gospel of James about childhood of Mary
[Many gospels were written which were not included eventually in the canon] Fiction
Apostolic Fathers
During period of the ______, words of Jesus is still more authoritative than the written gospel
verbatim, not, parallel
In a few cases they quote one of the Gospels _____
In other cases they quote what seems to be derived from the Gospels but is ____.
Still in other cases, their quote has no ____ in any of the gospels
final form, contradicts, contested
An Emerging Problem: During the period of the
Apostolic Fathers, words of Jesus do not yet have
______, which is fine since none of the quotes
_____ the essence of the Gospel message. But
what happens when words attributed to Jesus are
Letter of Polycarp, 135 AD
oldest witness to dispute about the meaning of Jesus' words
Justin, 165 AD
is first Christian to use gospel in the plural, which for him meant 'memoirs' of the apostles. He cites Jesus' words about 60x. He may have synthesized the 3
synoptics for class use
memoirs, 3 synoptics
Justin, 165 AD: is first Christian to use gospel in the plural,
which for him meant '_______' of the apostles. He cites
Jesus' words about 60x. He may have synthesized the ______ for class use
_____ estimated the first known canon, which contained 10 letters of Paul and only the gospel of Luke
10 letters of Paul and only the gospel of Luke
Marcion estimated the first known canon, which contained:
wrote and proclaimed, supposedly authentic words, divergent
Effect of Marcion's estimated canon: more and more people ________, citing Jesus' ______; moreover, content of those writings became more and more ____
a canon
Therefore, there's a need for fixed, written authority =
Irenaeus, 180 AD
4 gospels, no more, no less.
Tatian, Diatessaron
_____ combines the 4 gospels, using John's as framework,
into 1 narrative, which was called the _______ and
used for at least 2 centuries by the church in Syria
making the universal message particular to local church
the Epistles
making the particular universal
forgotten, Luke writes Acts, collect
Paul's letters were _____. After _____, someone ____ Paul's letters
Someone collected Paul's Letters as a defense against ____
Pauline school
A _____ preserved and edited his letters
50, 100
____ AD, only the Old Testament had manuscripts ; by _____ AD, plus a few Christian writings
To solve practical problems at the local level & To help structure their worship
Why the need for a library?
Sunday Eucharist celebrations
Paul's letters were surely read first during ____
Christian communities gathered whatever _____ would help them
writings or writings attributed to them
As the first disciples died, their authority was transferred
to their ____
This letter is authoritative because an apostle, ex. Paul,
wrote it
This letter is authoritative; thus an apostle must have
written it. Ex. Letter to the Hebrews, attributed to
Letters of the apostles were authoritative in 2 senses:
reinforced, apostles or the apostles' disciples
Eventually the authority of the 4 gospels was ____ by
attributing them to the ____
early date, liturgical use, apostolic authorship, rule of faith
Criteria for Canonicity:
New Testament, standard, universally acceptable form
A _____ emerged because the authority of Christian truth had to be fixed in a ____ and ____
Church, bishops
Who decided which books to accept into the canon?
◂ The ____ understood as a collectivity and
represented especially by the _____.
early date
[Criteria for Canonicity] Ex. Shepherd of Hermas was written too late (140-150 AD)
Liturgical use
[Criteria for Canonicity] Ex. Some bishops did not permit the reading of the Apocalypse of Peter at Mass
Apostolic authorship
[Criteria for Canonicity]
Yet, Paul's letters to the Laodicenes and to the Alexandrians were not accepted
Whereas, today we know Hebrews was not written by Paul yet is part of canon
Rule of Faith
[Criteria for Canonicity] Conclusion: ultimate criteria
◂ ______ (significance of Christ-event)
◂ Muratorian Fragment, a private list written in Rome in 180: "there may be four gospels, but their teaching is one."
◂ The one Holy Spirit guided their writing
◂ They all teach the one rule of faith: Christ's life, death and resurrection
significance of Christ-event, Muratorian Fragment, four gospels, one, Holy Spirit; Christ's life, death and resurrection
[Criteria for Canonicity] Conclusion: ultimate criteria
◂ Rule of Faith (______)
◂ _______, a private list written in Rome in 180: "there may be _____, but their teaching is _____."
◂ The one ______ guided their writing
◂ They all teach the one rule of faith: ______