________ are both spiritual as well as material.
________ believed that all human activity could be explained similarly to biological mechanisms, being influenced by mechanical desire and satisfaction.
________ have argued whether human nature is self- interested or if there can be unselfish considerations.
Psychological egoism
________= the theory that humans are only able to act out of self interest in the pursuit of pleasure.
Moritz Schlick
________ (1882- 1936), another materialist, suggested that self interest works in all instances, not just in extreme cases of aggression.
Spiritual aspect
________ makes us different from the purely material and biological universe.
________ argued for the view psychological egoism.
Human nature
________= what it essentially means to be a human being; what makes us different from anything else.
________ was a materialist, believing that the universe and humans were entirely physical and material as opposed to spiritual.
***How you think we should set up society