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Types of remotes sensing
EM Spectrum
Gravity (GRACE)
Magnetic field
Radioactivity (and more)
Users of RS rata
Land management
Marine shipping
Earth and environmental science
Earth System Components
Geosphere (lithosphere)
Advantages of RS
Better Coverage in time and space
Better access to data
Better quality
Some measurements are only possible from space
Positive contributions of RS to Environmental Science
Environmental monitoring
Natural disaster monitoring
Agriculture and food security
Resources exploration and management
Geographic Information Systems
What is frequency measured in
Hertz (Hz, kHZ, MHz)
What is remote sensing?
The identification, observation and measurement of an object without coming into direct contact with it
Examples of remote sensing
MRI, CT scans, MODIS, Landsat
Wavelength is measured in
Meters (centimetres, nanometres)
Frequency definition
Number of cycles of a wave passing a fixed point per unit of time
speed of light= frequency*wavelength (Wave theory)
Frequency (f) and wavelength (𝜆) for any given wave are related inversely (Wave theory)
wave theory of light
the idea that light actually consists of waves, not particles
quantum theory of light
the theory stating that light has both a wave nature and a particle nature.
EM radiation is composed of
1905 Einstein suggested that EM radiation is composed of discrete units or quanta (i.e. photons)
Planck-Einstein relation
Energy(J)=planks constant*frequency
Combination of wave and particle theory
Energy is proportional to planks constant/wavelength.
Given 𝑬∝𝒉/𝝀 what can we say about energy and wavelength
The energy of quantum is inversely proportional to its wavelength. i.e shorter wave length more energy.
blackbody radiation
The electromagnetic radiation emitted from a heated solid
Planck spectrum (blackbody spectrum)
All normal (baryonic) matter emits electromagnetic radiation when it has a temperature above absolute zero
peak wavelength
Single wavelength where the source's radiometric emission spectrum reaches its maximum
Signal to noise ratio (SNR)
Measurement of the level of desired signal to background noise
which wavelengths are harder to detect and why
Naturally emitted long wave radiation are more difficult to sense than shorter wavelengths. Because they have less energy per photon so you need to detect more to over come the SNR
As naturally emitted radio waves have less energy what happens to the resolution? (Planck relation)
You need a larger spatial resolution to overcome the SNR my gathering more signal and keeping the noise constant
What are the three types of atmospheric interaction?
This measn atmospheric corrections maybe required
Gas molecules absorb certain wavelengths and can re-radiate at different wavelengths. Amount increases with path length. The photon has a two-way journey there and back.
Bends light at contact between two layers that transmit light at different speeds (think water in a glass)
Redirection of EM waves by particles or molecules
Rayleigh Scattering
Scattering of EM radiation due to particles being small relative to radiation's wavelength. Selective scattering as intensity depends on frequency or wavelength
Intensity of scattering is proportional to EITHER 1/the wavelength^4 or frequency^4
Rayleigh scattering equation
Non-selective scattering
scattering of light caused by atmospheric particles larger than the wavelength being scattered(e.g. smoke, water droplets). Scattering is not wavelength dependent
What happens at 1400 and 1900 nm Wavelength
All radiation is absorbed by water, so the only use of satellites at this wavelength would be to measure water
Main absorbers of incoming shortwave radiation
Water Vapour
Carbon dioxide
Atmospheric path length
Varies with location and time of day
Three types of interactions that can occur when energy strikes or is incident upon a surface
Types of reflection
Specular- Mirror like
Diffuse- all different direction
Types of resolution
Radiometric resolution
Detection of subtle changes in radiation
Expressed in number of bits. (e.g. 8 bit is 256 level- typical of computer files.
Spectral resolution
Ability to precisely measure wavelength of light (colour for visible spectrum).
Different landcover different reflective signatures.
Temporal Resolution
Pinpoint changes in time
determined by: altitude, orbital inclination, swath width
Key orbital parameters
Altitude- Determines orbital period, height above surface
Eccentricity- Deviation from circular orbit
Orbital inclination- Determines the latitudinal component
Physics of orbit
Balance between force and centripetal force. There is a force pulling satellites and earth together and one pulling them apart, they need to be balanced.
Common RS orbits
Low earth orbit
Geostationary orbit
sun-synchronous orbit
Low earth orbit
LEO- 400-1000 KM low FOV high spatial resolution.
Typically in polar orbit as it is best to map whole earth.
Global coverage in strips
revisit time usually 1-32 days
Geostationary Orbit
GEO- satellite's orbital period matches Earth's rotation period
Large FOV poor spatial resolution.
High temporal resolution
Used for weather and communications, multiple needed for global coverage, poles never visible
Sun-synchronous orbit
Desirable to observe Earth's surface at same local time for consistency Landsat passes equator at 10 am
Orbital inclination of ~98 degrees
Makes use of gravitational anomalies to cause orbit to precess slightly
Airborne RS platforms
Aircraft pros and cons
Higher spatial resolution- 0.5m but smaller areas can schedule flight whenever but fuel is expensive so uneconomical for small areas
Higher spatial resolution ~1cm
Limited coverage (batteries) 10km^2
Rapid deploy and survey 30 mins 1 flight
Fast and cost effective
Underwater remote sensing
Platforms- Ships submarines AUV
Acoustic sensors- ADCP bathymetry-single or multibeam
No GPS underwater
Sensor types
Passive active
Passive sensors
Uses natural radiation from the sun or other emitted signal
Active sensor
Illuminates the subject from an artificial energy source
e.g. RADAR and LIDAR
using radio waves and laser pulses respectively
Imaging satellites
Crrates a picture by scanning across linear array of detectors while array moves through space 'Swath'. Typically produces raster data
Non-imaging satellites
Measures a set point locations
Requires interpolation and processing
Differences between Landsat 7 and 8/9
8/9 add a coastal aerosol band and cirrus cloud detection band
8/9 30m for thermal bands and 15 m for panchromatic
12 bit radiometric resolution compared to 8bit
When was Landsat 7 launched
Landsat 7 orbit and day cycle
Sun synchronous orbit
16 day cycle
Multispectral scanner
Enhanced thematic mapper +
Operational Land Imager
Thermal Infra-Red Sensor
OLI and TIRS bit and date launched
16 bit (opposed to 8 bit of L7)
L8 11 Feb 2011
L9 27 September 2021
Scene size 170km N-S
183km E-W
30m res
15 panchromatic
a process of merging high-resolution panchromatic and lower resolution multispectral imagery to create a single high-resolution colour image
Level 1 or level 2 data
Level 2 has been corrected more than level 1.
Level 2 is Earth's surface and Level 1 is atmospheric processes (e.g. wildfires)
Scan Line Corrector
31st May 2003 SLC failed it compensates for the forward motion of the satellite only 78% of pixels remaining
Sentinel 2 MSI
Mulitspectral imager
12 bit data
5 day repeat cycle
2A launched 23rd June 2015
2B 7th March 2017
2C september 2024
Wide swath 290km
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
12 bit radiometric sensitivity 36 spectral bands
Two bands at 250m
Five bands at 500m
Remaining 29 bands at 1km
Orbit of 705KM achieves a swath of 2,330 km global coverage every 1-2 days
False colours
Humans can only see in the visible light spectrum and computers use RGB. So to see invisible radiation the bands are plugged into the RBG channels
specular reflection
a reflection produced by a smooth surface in which parallel light rays are reflected in parallel
diffuse reflection
Reflection that occurs when parallel rays of light hit a rough surface and all reflect at different angles
anisotropic reflection (Non-Lambertian)
Anisotropic- Different values measured depending on direction measured
Reflectance is usually anisotropic
Varies with angle of illumination
Varies with angle of view
Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function
distribution of reflected radiation according to illumination and observation angles
why is infrared reflected by plants
Photons at longer wavelengths do not carry enough energy for photosynthesis
wavelengths absorbed the most by plants
Red and blue are absorbed the most
400-700 nm range useful for photosynthesis
<400 nm = damage cells and tissues, but are also filtered out by stratospheric ozone
Band Ratios
Mathematical combination of spectral radiation in two or more observed spectral bands
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
Vegetation health and density
Health plants and NDVI
Healthy plant has a higher NDVI as it absorbs visible light and reflects most NIR
Normalised Difference Snow Index
Snow cover
Needs Ground Truth
Normalized Difference Water Index
Maps water bodies
Uses of machine learning in RS
Generates models
statistical research
Symbolic regression etc
What are spectral signatures
Different substances absorb, transmit and reflect radiation with different wavelengths. Hence they can be distinguished by spectral signatures.
Can be used to map land use can be do for all 32 bands of MODIS
What are Spectral classification of images vital for and their classification
Natural resource mapping at large scales
Monitoring environmental change
Classification based on single bands are rarely useful because of class overlap
multispectral classifications are better
unsupervised classification
Spectral info to group pixels into clusters
a pixel is more likely to have a similar value to a closer pixel than one further away
Advantages of unsupervised classification
No prior knowledge required
Low opportunity for human error
Unique classes are recognised as distinct units
Disadvantages of unsupervised classification
Spectrally homogenous classes may not correspond to informational categories of interest
Limited control over menu of classes
Spectral properties of specific informational classes will change over time making it problematic to compare classes between images.
Step of supervised classification
Identify landcover types
Create training sites
derive spectral signatures for each class from multispectral data
Select rules for group membership
Assign all pixels in the image to one of the groups
Maximum likelihood often used
Maximum likelihood
Location, shape and size of clusters is determined from statistical properties of training data
All image pixels assigned based on probability of belonging to a class
Land use and Land Cover LULC schema
Common global schemes
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
UN FAO Landcover Cover Classification System (LCCS)
Deep Learning in RS
A type of Machine Learning algorithm mimicking the biological structure if the brain
Strengths of active remote sensing
Make observations during the night
Many can see through clouds
Light detection and ranging
uses lasers
coherent light means it has a fine spatial resolution allows tightly focussed beam to be emitted
by using phase information precise ranging can be achieved
LiDAR types
Profiling Lasers
Scanning Lasers
Profiling lasers
downward (nadir) pointing
Closely spaced measurements along track but larger spacings between track
Measures range to surface precisely
If sensor elevation and orientation are known surface elevation can be calculated
Spatial resolution depends on altitude
Spatial resolution for ICESat 1 and 2
ICESat1 70 m
ICESat2 17m
Scanning lasers
More common with airborne systems
Uses a swath to collect more data
Integrated scanning mechanis
mintensive processing required
LiDAR point cloud
A matrix based structure
each point has an XYZ
and attributes like time, intensity, colour etc
typically has elevation data but can have reflectance values
extracting information from LiDAR
by using full waveform multiple vertical layers can be measured
Useful for vegetation and ‘seeing’ through shallow water
LiDAR return waveforms
First Return
Intermediate Return
Ground Return (Final Return)
Biomass and LiDAR
Peaks in intensity from different parts of land cover and vegetation
Delay is measured in nanoseconds
Detailed analysis of point cloud can be used to
Determine vegetation type
Estimate above-ground biomass
Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation Orbiting on ISS (2018-present)
+/-51 degrees latitude