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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; aims to ensure international trade does not threaten species survival.
Veterinary Support Personnel Network (VSPN)
An online community for veterinary professionals to interact, teach, and learn from each other.
Cold-blooded; organisms that regulate their body temperature through external sources.
POTZ (Preferred Optimal Temperature Zone)
The temperature range ideal for digestion, immune function, and overall health of reptiles.
The regular shedding of skin in reptiles.
Renal Portal System
A blood supply system that allows blood from the caudal body to bypass the kidneys.
The science of classification of organisms.
Difficult or abnormal childbirth.
Isolation of newly acquired animals to ensure they do not carry diseases.
Material used to cover the bottom of a terrarium or enclosure.
Humidity requirements
Important for maintaining the health of different reptile species.
UVB lighting
Necessary for vitamin D3 production in reptiles.
Cold-blooded vertebrates including frogs, toads, and salamanders.
Referring to the tip or apex of an organ or structure.
The hardened scales found on the shells of turtles.
A type of medical imaging that shows a continuous x-ray image on a monitor.
Flexible Endoscopy
A non-surgical procedure to examine the proximal and distal GI tract and resp system using a flexible tube with a camera.
Soft shell
A type of turtle shell which lacks the hard bony plate of other turtles.
Environmental enrichment
The process of enhancing an animal's environment to promote its wellbeing.
An endoscopic examination of the cloaca in reptiles.
The arrangement or structure of a cage for keeping animals.
The hard upper shell of a turtle or tortoise.
Referring to turtles and tortoises.
Snout-to-vent length
Measurement from the snout of an animal to its vent.
A disease that affects a large number of animals in a specific region.
The process of bone formation.
The circulation of air in an enclosure.
Reptilian respiratory system
The system of organs involved in breathing in reptiles.
Preparing Your Hospital Waiting Room
two waiting rooms; schedule exotics around a different time than your small animal patients; max. client’s wait time (brochures, hx form, exotic artwork, info charts)
Light Microscope Use
magnification 400 to 1000x mag for fecals, FNAs and CBCs
Rigid Endoscopy
Coelioscopies; cloacascopies
Environmental Aquatic Water Considerations
water quality, filtration, how often the owner changes out the water, monitor pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, salinity