IMPORTANT things to remember for MC exam
-For select all that apply questions, make sure you look at every option carefully. (If charge is correct, if arrows are going the correct direction, configurations)
common electrophile
how to calculate oxidation state fast
Pick an atom that changes
If its connected to an atom more electronegative than +1
If its connected to an atom less electronegative than -1
(count double bonds twice)
add it all up: if oxid # went up, then it was oxidized
Electrophilic aromatic substitution
Benzene is nucleophile
general name of this structure
benzenium ion/cyclohexadienyl cation/ wheland intermediate
Rate determining step is
formation of benzenium
Nitration of benzene
benzene + HNO3 and H2SO4 ā nitrobenzene
electrophile is NO2+
Sulfonation of benzene
benzene + H2SO4 ā
electrophile is SO3
Halogenation of benzene
benzene + Fe + Br2
electrophile is Bromine-Iron (III) Bromide complex
Friedel Crafts Alkylation
benzene + secondary halide or tertiary halide
electrophile is carbocation
note: subject to rearrangement
alkenes, which are converted to carbocations by protonation can be used to alkylate benzene
Freidelās Crafts of Acylation
electrophile is acyl cation
Do not rearrange
Preparation of acyl chlorides
Freidelās Crafts Acylation using anhydrides
no issue of rearrangement
no issue of rearrangement
Substituent effect
-To make a stronger nucleophile, put more electron density
-To make weaker nucleophile, add more electronegativity
Electron Drawing Group (activating)
Ortho-Para Director
Electron Withdrawing group (deactivating)
Meta Director
examples: -CF3, -NO2, -SO3H, electropositive carbon
Halogens areā¦
deactivating but Ortho/Para directing
If multiple substituents,
Stronger EDG will dictate regiostreochemistry
EDG ranks highest to lowest
Nucleophilic aromatic Substitution
Nucleophilic substitution
ortho and para sites of EWG react way faster
Tip for retrosynthesis
"An aromatic ring more deactivated than a monohalobenzene cannot be alkylated or acylated under FriedelāCrafts conditions."
organometallic nomenclature
attached alkyl group is prefix, metal is the parent
when metal bears two substituents, treat it as it was a anion
Grignard reagents
organomagneisum compounds
RX + 2Li with diethyl ether
RLi + LiX
RX + Mg with diethyl ether
Reaction of organic halide with metal is ox-redox reaction
metal is oxidized/ reducing agent
synthesis of acetylenic alcohols
use terminal alkynes
orgozinc reagents for epoxides
ICH2ZnI is electrophile (due to empty p orbital)
Lithium dialkylcuprate (Gilman reagent)
displaces halide as well, same sterochemistry
alkene to alcohol (OH to most substituted)
Use H2SO4 and H2O
alkene to alcohol (OH to least substituted)
1.B2H6, diglyme
H2O2, OH-
3 ways for reduction
First way: NaBH4 and methanol/H2O/ethanol
Second way:
LiAlH4, diethyl ether
Third way:
H2, Pt, ethanol
LiAl4 and NaBH4 are
nucleophiles/reducing agents
reduction of carboxylic acid
turns to primary alcohol (turns to aldehyde first)
Diol nomenclature
alkane + #,# diol
dihydrooxylation of alkene
conversion of alcohols to ethers
retention of configuration
Primary alcohol to carboxylic acid
use K2Cr2O7 and H2SO4, and H2O
Primary alcohol to aldehyde
PCC and CH2Cl2
Secondary alcohol to ketone
First way: Na2Cr2O7, H2O and H2SO4
Second way: PCC, CH2Cl2
oxidizing tertiary alcohols
Tertiary alcohols are NOT readily oxidized ā No reaction
Swern Oxidation
oxidative cleavage of vicinal diols
thiol nomenclature
similar to diol, it OH group present, then use prefix sulfonyl- or mercapto-
thiols are
strong smelling (skunk fluid)
alkyl halide with -SH
change of configuration
Disulfide formation
Ether nomenclature
list the two alkyl groups and add ether at the end
ether oxygen is a hydrogen bond acceptor
which means soluble in water
Crown nomenclature
Total # of atoms-crown-# of oxygens
18-crown-6 solubilizes
potassium salts
Ethers from alcohol and alkene
add O group
make vicinal halohydrins from alkene
trans addition
vicinal halohydrins to epoxide
Use NaOH and H2O
Williamson ether synthesis
ONLY primary halides,
secondary halides undergo E2
preparing sulfides
change of configuration
acid catalyzed cleavage of bonds
acyl chloride in ester formation mechanism
use base for secondary and tertiary bromides
anhydride ester formation
ethylene oxide
hint: if you see two carbons added on, (LLOK AT QUIZ
most electronegative atoms
F, O, N, Cl
two molecules come to form one larger one and some smaller molecule
previous alcohol reactions table in ch 16
use of NBS
allyl vs vinyl
sp2 carbons
SN2 reactions cannot occur with leaving groups (X) bonded to sp2-hybridized carbons
primary alcohol using a Grignard reagent
Use Formaldehyde
As with carboxylic acids, esters may be reduced using lithium aluminum hydride to give primary alcohols
Bromobenzene into 2-phenylethanol
If you see two added carbons to make a primary alcohol hints to
1.ethlyene oxide
2. H3O+
syn addition, OH to least substituted
primary alcohol to carboxylic acid use
use HCrO4
or Na2Cr2 O7 in sulfuric acid
primary alcohol to aldehyde
PCC (or PDC) and CH2Cl2
hydroboration-oxidation of 1-phenylcyclobutene
alkyne to alkane
alkyne to trans alkene
alkyne to cis alkene
For addition, usually makes the most stable carbocation.
ozonolysis intramolecular
NMR of alcohol
The broad band in the IR spectrum at 3300 cm-1 is the OāH stretching vibration of an alcohol. The presence of an alcohol is confirmed by the disappearance of a peak following addition of D2O as the hydroxyl proton undergoes rapid exchange with deuterium. "
stereochemistry of Williamson ether synthesis
the ether product has the same absolute configuration as the starting alkoxide because no bonds to the chirality center are made or broken in the reaction
vicinal halohydrins with base
turn into epoxides (intramolecular Williamson ether synthesis)