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Junta (Hun-ta)
military dictatorship
Second Party State
only one political party is allowed to exist. All other political parties are outlawed
government led by religious leaders
led by the extremely rich
citizens total lives are dominated by the dictator
Thomas Carlyle
believed leaders are born and not just voted in
Friedrich Nietzsche
came up with ubermensch which is like superman. A creative individual who does not merely follow or obey the laws of others, even the laws of God
Charles Darwin
not a philosopher nor politician
believed in survival of the fittest
Social Darwinism
countries will; either evolve, modernize, advance, and take over weaker countries or they will become extinct
charismatic speaker
populist (not necessarily tied to one ideology) but they speak to the people. They hear the people’s concern and they change their policies according to the people
brain washing, citizens are bombarded with manipulation like propaganda at schools, worek, recreation, sports, church, etc. ALL are spreading the same message→ OBEDIENCE
discontent of the popular discontent
scape goating, as well as xenophobia (fea rof outsiders)
controlled participation
two aspects
they do have elections
people are told how to vote, there is NO secret ballot
Mass rallies
the idea that they are part of something bigger
interwar years
time between WW1 and WW2
dictators at its highest point
Italy after WW1
economy collapsing
no jobs
felt disrespected by the treaty of Versailles
Treaty of London
secret treaty between neutral Italy and the Allied forces of France, Britain, and Russia to bring Italy into World War I
The Fascists Party
not inclusive society (only italians)
social Darwinism
rejected internationalism
against peace
traditional family
Mussolini’s militia
the black shirts
target anyone who opposed Mussolini, specifically communists
made uo of business owners and WWI vets
result of March on Rome (1922)
Italian king appointed Mussolini prime minister of Italy as he believed he could work with Mussolini to fight communism
what made Mussolini popular
made peace with the church
The Mattie Affair
got Italians back to work
return to past glory
Lateran Treaties
a treaty declaring the Vatican City State to be the pope's neutral and inviolable territory, guaranteeing his political independence
the Mattei Affair
Controversy surrounds the life and death of Italian administrator Enrico Mattei.
Germany after WWI
in a worse state than Italy
government not working (Weimar Republic)
using proportional representation
going through civil war
common threat to USA, Germany, AND Italy
communism take over
effects of reparations in Germany
to pay off they had to constantly print off money
currency became worthless
very high inflation
1923-1925 Germany
France invaded Ruhr
this area rich in coal
France took the money directly out of Germany
Dawes Plan
USA lending money to Germany to stabilize and pay off their reparations
Young Plan
allowed Germany to spread out payments over 60 years
Hitler early life
Austrian born
fought in the German army in WWI
believed that they had been stabbed in the back by the German government
Hitler after the war
believed that they had been stabbed in the back by the German government
joins the National Socialist German Workers party
becomes popular giving speeches, became a populist
Hitker’s militia
the brown shirts aka SA
November 1923 Germany
Hitler tried to recreate his own March on Rome, known as the Beer Hall Putsch
after Beer Hall Putsch
HItler and his followers jailed for 9 months on counts of treason
Hitler’s book that he wrote in jail
HItler’s Ideology
return to past glory
against internationalism/diplomacy/peace/passivism
traditional family
racial superiority
economic independence or self sufficiency
Germany have to expand going east
direct correlation between how well the___________of Germany is doing and the popularity of the Nazi party
one released from jail, as much as Hitler hated ______________he changed his tactics and used this to achieve power
In the late 1920’s, the Nazy party is almost bankrupt, but they found a new ally. This is __________________
US Corporations
1932 Germany
5 million Germans out of work and Nazi party had 196/600 seats
1933 Germany
Hitler appointed chancellor by the president, but he still had to answer to the Reichstag and Hitler wanted absolute power
February 1933 Germany
Reichstag fired, Hitler blamed communists
Reichstag Fire Decree
first thing Hitler out into place
government can arrest anyone they suspect in having a role in communism
leaders of the communist party were arrested
March 1933 Germany
HItler calls an immediate election
288/600 seats
passes the Enabling Act
the Enabling Act
Hitler no longer has to answer to the Reichstag and can make laws himself. Newspapers shut down and strikes became illegal, Hitler gave himself the title of fuhr
Night of the Long Knives
June 1934, Hitler killing the generals of the Brown Shirts (his friends) in order to gain the support of the German army
Nuremburg Laws
identified who was/was not considered a Jew
rules for Germans concerning their interactions with Jews
Why was Hitler popular with Germans
restoration of German Pride
Economic recovery
peace with the catholic church
ministry of propaganda
liberal idea
idea of coming up with the perfect world
how to decrease the probability of having a child with special needs
forced sterilization of those considered to be special needs (stop them from pro creating)
how HItler used eugenics
forcibly sterilized Jews, homosexuals, Slavic people etc
got Dr. Mengele to perform tests on prisoners to see how they can encourage German women to have multiple births (twins, triplets—propagation of the aryan race)
Similarities between Stalin and Hitler
both had purges within their own party
show NO loyalty to those who helped them get to their position
1936 USSR
Stalin writes a constitution
WHat was Stalin’s constitution an example of
controlled participation
Democratic centralism ( Pre Gorbachev years)
members within the party are allowed to disagree and argue however once the decision is made, they have to stand by it in public
what does USSR stand for
union of soviet socialists republic
Hitler’s political party
National Socialist German Workers Party