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process of acquiring and transferring information into LTM
effective factors on improving memory
- emotion
- meaningfulness
ineffective factors on improving memory
- mere repetition
- intention or effort alone
flashbulb memory
a clear and vivid memory of the circumstances surrounding emotionally stimulating events
vividness does not entail factual accuracy
shallow processing
encoding on a basic level that focuses on physical features of the stimulus and not its meaning
yields low memory retention
deep processing
encoding on a semantic level that focuses on meaning of the stimulus
yields high memory retention
not dependent on task difficulty
maintenance rehearsal
encoding technique involving repetition of information without consideration of meaning or connections with other information
type of shallow processing
elaborative rehearsal
encoding technique involving consideration of meaning or connections in a given piece of information with other information
type of deep processing
self-reference effect
tendency to better remember information relevant to oneself
limitations of levels of processing
definition of levels is circular
deeper procedure defined as resulting in better memory -> using the procedure to show that deeper processing results in better memory
retrieval cue
a stimulus that helps a person recall information in stored memory
cued recall
presentation of retrieval cues to recall previously experienced stimuli
matching conditions of encoding and retrieval
method to increase retrieval of information
encoding specificity
improved memory retrieval when the contextual background (environment) at the time of encoding and retrieval are matched
state-dependent learning
improved memory retrieval when the internal states of a person at the time of encoding and retrieval are matched
transfer-appropriate processing
improved memory retrieval when the type of processing at the time of encoding and retrieval are matched
measures of memory
- free recall
- cued recall
- recognition
- savings in relearning
- implicit measures
free recall
testing condition with minimal retrieval cues given
selecting previously remembered information among other distractors
savings in relearning
occurs when previously learned material becomes easier to relearn at a later time
implicit measures
techniques for demonstrating memory when previously learned material affect performance on a subsequent task
difficulty of recognition task depends on
generation effect
memory retention is improved when a person generates the material themselves rather than passively receiving it
spacing effect
memory retention is improved when study or practice is distributed over short sessions instead of concentrated in one long session