the use of moving water to turn turbine blades and generate electricity
Plastic comes from ____.
crude oil
Gasoline comes from _____.
crude oil
An advantage of nuclear fusion is that it ______
does not generate radioactive waste
In Oklahoma, wind has recently surpassed ___ as the leading producer of electricity
natural gas
Oklahoma is currently the ____ leading state in wind energy.
Oklahoma is the 6th largest producer of ________ largest producer of crude oil.
natural gas
The process by which two light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing energy.
hydrogen fuel
A clean energy source produced from hydrogen, often used in fuel cells to generate electricity with water as the only byproduct.
fractional distillation
A separation process that divides a mixture into its component parts based on differences in boiling points, commonly used in the petrochemical industry to refine crude oil.
Products made from crude oil
include fuels like gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel, as well as various petrochemicals used in plastics and other materials.
Combustion of hydrocarbons produces
carbon dioxide and water vapor, releasing energy.