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what is positive symptons
are those which are an addiction to the individuals behaviour hallunctiations delusions speech
adds on to behaviour- delousions and speech
what are the positives symptoms
delusions- it is a distorted belief the individual does not feel in control of their own thoughts and feelings
halluncation - voices that do not exist but feel real to the person hearing them
disorganised speech- confused and muddled sentences the patient slips between topics mid sentences
negative symptoms
involves loses of emotion interest pleasure
takes away something - motivation, emotions
what are the negative symptons
speech poverty- reduction in the amount and quality of speech in schizorphenia the person will speak infrequently when they speak the speech lacks fluency
avolition - the symptons a self initiated reduction of interests and desires as well as an inability to initate and persistent in goal directed behaviour
what its the dopamine hypothesis
hyperdopaminergia in the sub cortex- claims high levels in the neurotransmitter dopamine in the sub cortex (mesoblic pathway) are associated with the positive symptoms of schizorephnia
postive symptons are associated with an excess of domapine in the sub cortex
and negative symptom are associated with decreased levels of dopamine in the pre frontal cortex
research in dopamine
lindstrone et al found chemicals need to produce dopamine are taken up faster in the brains of schizophrenia that control, thus supports that shizorphenics produce more dopamine which could be influencing their symptons
what neural correlations
are measurements of the structure or function of the brain that correlate with an experience
neural correlations of negative symptoms
avolition involves in the loss of motivation motivation involves the anticipation of a rewards and the ventral stratum is believed to be involved in this anticipation therefore abnormality of areas like the ventral stratum may be involved in the development of avolition
they found a negative correlation between activity levels in the ventral stratum and the severity of negative symptons
neural correlations postive symptoms
reduced activity in the superior temporal gyrus and the anterior cingulate gyrus are. a neural correlate of auditory hallucinations
lower activation levels in the superior temporal gyrus and anterior cingulate gyrus were found in the hallucination group who also made more errors than the control this shoes neural correlation with positive symptoms
evaluation of dopamine effect positive effect
research support- family studies gottesman- shows the risk increases with genetic similarity too a family member with schizorphenia- high internal validity allows us to explain causes of schizorpehnia this shows that some people are more vunerable to schizophrenia as a result of the genetic makeup
negative effect of dopamine effect
one limitations of the genetic explanation is there is clear evidence to show that environmental factors also increase risk of developing schizophrenia these factors are biological and pyscological — biological risk are THC and smoking canabis in teenage years»pyschological is child hood trauma»this mean genetic factors alone cannot provide a complete explanation for schizophrenia
one limitations is there his evidence for a central role of glutamate — post martens and live scans studies have consistently found raised levels of the neurotransmitter glatumate in several brain regions of people with schizophrenia —this means that an equally strong case can be made for a role in neurotransmitter which decreases validity
typical antipsychotics
(traditional, first generation)
around since 1950’s
drug; chlorpromazine
taken as a tablet , syrup or injections
if taken orally max 1000mg intial doses are much smaller and gradually increases
most patients are 400-800mg
acts as dopamine antagonist - opposite effect of the neurotransmitter they t reduce dopamine they Block dopamine recptors in the synapse which reduces then action of dopamine
when are the drugs atypical and typical drugs used
used in short term and long term some can take short course, then stop with no return of symptoms others take them long term
atypical antipsychotics?
newer drugs maintain effectiveness and to minimise side effects, not all of these drugs work in the same day
what are the two drugs used in a typical antipsychotic
clozapine and risperidone
what does clozapine do
clozapine- developed in 60s and trailed in 70s discovered in the 80s to be more effective then typical drugs daily dosages 300-450mg a day binds dopamine receptors and also seretionin and glutamate receptors-helps improve mood and reduce depression-may improve cognitive functioning
what does risperidone do
risperidone- developed in 90s to reduce side effects of clozapine but be as effective taken in a tablet syrup or injections has that lasts for 2 week small doses given not begin with and then increased up to 4-8 mg and max 12mg per day
binds dopamine and seretonin recpetors binds more strongly to dopamine receptors than clozapine effective in smaller doses and fewer side effects
evaluation of drug therapy positives?
for both drugs- thornily et all reviewed studies comparing participants taken chlorpromazine to a control group taking a placebo , taking it was associated with better overall functioning and reducing sympton severity
negatives of drug therapy
our Morden day understanding of the relationship between dopamine and schizophrenia suggests the drug shouldn’t work , psychologist understand low and high dopamine levels in different areas of the brain are associated with various symptoms of schizorpehnia if the drug is just lowering dopamine levels this suggest they shouldn’t work with the cases of schiorpenia
ethical rights are broken- the drugs are used to make patients calm and make them easier for staff to work with rather then benefits of the actual patient this was recommend by the (NICE) but some see this as breach of ethical issues as drugs are not being used for theruaptic and curing value
what are psychological explanations
family dsyfunction, , cognitive explanations
family dysfunctions the 2 components
double bind theory and expressed emotions
what is double bind theory
children who frequently receive contradictory messages from their parents are more likely to develop schizophrenia for example if the mother tells her son she loves him but looks at him in disgust the child receives two conflicting messages about their relationship
the child may feel like he cannot seek calrifaction or comment on the unfairness of situation
what is expressed emotions
is when a family communication style in which members of the family persiently exhibit criticism and hostility towards a recovering shizriopehnic after returning home from a period in hospital following a psychotic episode which can lead to a relapse
EE contains 3 elements - verbal critcsm of the patient occasionally accompanied by violence
hostility towards the patient including anger and rejection
emotional over involvement in the life of the patient
positive evaluation of family dysfunction
practical applications- if we know what factors contribute to the development of schizophrenia then families can be given support- when patient returns from the house diagnosed with schizophrenia that could give support at home in order to limit the amount of expressed emotions
negatives of family dysfunction
ignores role of biology - genetics have been found to influence schizophrenia with children more at risk if both parents have the disorder therefore family dysfunction can not be the sole purpose
indidvudal differences - patients who live in a high EE families relaspe and not all patients who live in low EE homes avoid relapse this shows that not all patients are equally vulnerable to high levels of expressed emotion within the family environment so we need to consider other factors such as unemployment
cognitve explanations
is one which focuses on the role of mental processes
schizorpehnia is characterised by disruption to normal thought processing
reducing processes in the ventral stratum is associated with negative symptons and reducing in the temporal and cingulate gyri are associated with hallucinations positive symptons
what are the 2 cogntive explanations in Christopher frith et al
meta presentation
central control
what is meta presentation
is the cognitive ability to reflect on thoughts and behaviour this allows us insight into our intentions and goals
it also allow us to interpret actions of other
a dysfunction in meta presentation will disrupt our ability to recognise our own actions and thoughts these explain these explain halluncinations
what is central control
the ability to suppress automatic responses while we perform delibrate actions isntead
disorganised speech and thought disorder could result from the inability to supress automatically thoughts and speech triggered by other thoughts
what are the 3 types of schizrophenia
catonic schizorphenia
hebephrenic schizophrenic
paranoid schizophrenia
what is catonic schizophrenia
disturbance in motor behaviour for example
lack of movement
difficult maintaining posture
inability to move
what is paranoid schizophrenia
delusions - paranoia-believing someone someone out to get you
hallucination- sensory seeing things
auditory halluncaitions- hears voices
hebeprehnic schizorpehnia
disorganised thinking and speaking- difficulty organising thoughts
disorgansied behaviour- struggle with everyday tasks
classification of schizophrenia
icd10- 2 or more negative symptom- avolition-speech poverty
DSM - one postive symptom - hallucinations- delusions
inter rate reliability
different diagnosing clinicals reach the same diagnosis for same individual
test restest realibity
same clinical reaches the same diagnosis for the same individual one two occasions
co-morbility rate
an occurrence of two disorders or conditions together
-eg schizophrenia and personality disorder
symptom overlap
two or more conditions share symptoms
token economy
desirable behaviours that is encourage through operant conditioning (it can be negative and positive) people are giving token if there engage in desirable behaviours
what is negative reinforcement
when they don’t behaviour right there token gets taken away
what’s postive reinforcement
token given when they do desirable behaviour
secondary reinforcers
primary reinforcers
are the gifts you get foe behaving such as extra meal, more outside time,
what is the interactionist approach
is the biosocial approach
it acknowledges that there are biological psychological and social factors in the development of schizophrenia
what do they use in the interactionist approach
diathesis stress model
what is the diatheses stress model
diathesis means vunrelibilty
stress means trigger
both of which are necessary for thew onset of schizophrenia in early versions of DSM vulnerability was genetic and triggers were pyschological
now days both genes and trauma are seen as diatheses and stress can be psychological and biological
what is the MEEHl’s model
dithaesis - (venerability) was entirely genetic - results of a single schizogene -which led to the idea of biolifcally based schixotypic personality oner charactrristc of which is sensitive to stress
shchizophrenogenic mother- could cause schizogene- could result in the dvelepoemnt of this schizproenia
modern understanding of diathesis
it is now clear that genes each appear to increase genetic vunrelbilty only slightly there is no single schizogene
modern day views include a range of factors like genetic psychological trauma
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