marine science
what do covalent bonds do?
connects together things within a water molecule
oxygen is ___
hydrogen is ____
what do hydrogen bonds do?
connect different water molecules to one another
positive hydrogen + negative oxygen =
hydrogen bond
what is waters most important property and what does it do?
polar; water can stick to other things
what does water’s polarity allow it to do?
be the universal solvent
what is water in a gas form?
water vapor
which phase of water is the LEAST dense?
least = ice
which phase of water is the MOST dense?
why is ice less dense than water?
water molecules spread out due to hydrogen bonds as water freezes
specific heat capacity
amount of heat needed to change the temp of something
how do oceans help regulate heat in coastal areas?
traps heat during day ——> cools land; releases at night ——> warms land. regulates the temp.
COhesion (**co = together)
water molecules stick together
water molecules stick to other substances
what is the equation for density
D = M/V
what is density measured in?
amount of salt in a body of water
percentage of salt to fresh water on earth?
97% salt 3% fresh
where does most of earth’s fresh water come from?
glaciers and ice caps
how does water get salinity?
natural salts dissolve from land rocks
most abundant salt?
NaCl (sodium chloride)
what is the average salinity of the ocean?
35 ppt
process of maintaining salt + water balance within body
how do marine mammals do osmoregulation (in case she asks for example)
they get water from food and then produce urine with high salt concentrate
why are surface waters extra salty?
evaporation. water evaporates and leaves salt behind
higher salinity =
higher density
where salinity rapidly changes with depth
what is surface tension?
ability of water to support small objects due to hydrogen bonds at the surface
how does latitude affect salinity?
salinity is LOWER near the EQUATOR because of high precipitation
where is the maximum salinity?
20 N and 20 S
area where temp rapidly changes
how cold is the deep ocean?
~ 4 degrees celcius
average density of the ocean?
~ 1.02 - 1.05 g/cm3
density of pure H20?
1.0 g/cm3
upward force that keeps materials afloat in fluids
area where density rapidly changes with depth
LOWER temp =
HIGHER density
HIGHER salinity =
HIGHER density
what is the pressure at sea level? (atm=atmospheres)
1.0 atm
what are the most important nutrients in the ocean?
nitrates + phosphates
why are nitrates and phosphates called limited nutrients?
photosynthesis could not occur without them
where do phosphates + nitrates come from?
land rocks/nitrfication by bacteria
nutrients are ____ @ the surface because…
lower bc they are used up by photosynthetic animals
nutrients are ___ in the deep ocean because…
HIGHER bc no photosynthesis
where/what is the oxygen minimum layer
@ 1000m; oxygen is the lowest it will ever be here
what causes the oxygen minimum zone?
there is a bunch of bacteria breaking down dead matter, so they are using respiration. this uses up all off the oxygen
average depth of all oceans?
~4000 m
pelagic =
up in the water
benthic =
on the bottom (seafloor)
what are the two zones in the pelagic?
neritic + oceanic
neritic zone - (closer to land)
from low tide to the edge of cont. shelf
oceanic zone -
open water between edges of continental shelves
how does light attenuation change with depth? (red wavelengths are bigger)
blue/green penetrate furthest, red/orange is lost quickest
when can light not penetrate
nothing past 1000m
name the five ocean zones in order
epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic, abyssalpelagic, hadalpelagic
epipelagic (EUPHOTIC)
enough light for photosyntheis; “sunlight zone”
mesopelagic (DISPHOTIC)
a little bit of light; “twilight zone” no photosynthesis
what zone are the bathy, abysso, and hadal
“midnight zone”
“the abyss”
emission of light by living organisms
what two zones are in the benthic zones?
littoral + sublittoral
what percentage of marine life is benthic?
littoral =
near shore; between low and high tide
covers continental shelf from low tide to shelf break
how does sedimentary rock form?
formed when sediments are cemented
how does metamorphic rock form?
formed under immense heat/pressure
how does igneous rock form?
formed when lava/magma cools
sediments are
small pieces of material broken down by weathering
four types of sediment?
terrigenous, biogenous, hydrogenous, cosmogenous
terrigenous comes from ….
land rocks and has the HIGHEST volume
what makes terrigenous sediments? they are found where?
erosion of rock by water/wind/ice; near continents and islands
what are terrigenous (lithogenous) sediments made from?
quartz + clay
biogenous sediments are
from life; shells and hard skeletons
which two organisms contribute to calcium carbonate?
plankton + corals
what creates hydrogenous sediments (very rare)
from water; dissolved nutrients come out of solution
what creates cosmogenous sediments (very rare)
outer space cosmic dust