Advanced Genetics Exam 2 MLPH in dilute doggos papel

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How is the dilute gene inherited in the dogs?

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How is the dilute gene inherited in the dogs?

it must be homozygous recessive

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What mutation caused it?

nonsense mutation (G to A)

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Role of MYO5A?

myosin motor that walk down the actin fiber and carries the melanosome cargo

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Role of Rab27A?

on the surface of mature melanosomes, links to myosin motor MLPH and recruits melanophillin

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Role of MLPH?

links Rab27A carrying the melanosomes to MYO5A

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What are macromelanosomes?

clumps of pigment or concentrations of pigment

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Do macromelanosomes cause dilute or dark fur?

They cause dilute fur due to the clumping of the pigment

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Where else has MLPH caused dilution?

cats, humans, and mice

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What exon was the mutation in in cats?

exon 2

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What did the mutation in humans cause?

caused Griscelli syndrome, a pigment dilution disorder

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Why didn’t the SNPs in exon 2 and 7 explain the phenotype?

never found a single mutation that would account for all the dog breeds, so unable to really pinpoint a direct solution

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Where is the start codon in the gene?

the start of exon 2

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What is a haplotype?

traits that are inherited together

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Where is the SNP that causes the phenotype and why is its location significant?

it is at the splice site prior to exon 2

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What is U1 protein?

-member of the spliceosome

-less effective without SF2/ASF

-binds to 5’ splice site

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What is SF2/ASF?

-recruits U1

-abolished in the mutant

-ASF binds mRNA to the splice site

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What is nonsense mediated decay?

-surveillance pathway that exists in all eukaryotes

-reduces errors in gene expression by eliminating mRNA transcripts that contain premature stop codons

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What are the use of TAQMan probes?

they can identify a specific gene you want to measure

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Special part of a TAQMan probe?

There is a quencher and a fluorescence area that when bound do not light up but when split apart via a polymerase they light up

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When do you need to look at the samples in a qRT-PCR?

at the exponential phase to see the fluorescence the best

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