The process of working with people and distributing resources to achieve goals efficiently and effectively
What kind of tasks are these?
What kind of roles are these?
What kind of aspects are these?
Work in unpredictable circumstances
Adapt to rapid change
Persevere in spite of setbacks
Accept and learn from failure
Become comfortable working with the unknown
What are these types of?
What are these types of?
States the belief systems upheld by the organization and its employees
What are these types of?
An obstacle that makes it difficult for an organization to enter a particular market or replicate a competitor’s service and product offerings
Examples: supply-side economies of scale, demand-side economies of scale, customer switching costs, capital requirements, incumbent advantages independent of size, access to distribution channels, restrictive government policy, expected retaliation, and rivalry
Refers to a company that creates a new market space where there is little or no competition
Focus on creating new markets rather than competing with existing companies for customers
Enables managers to break up long-held beliefs and assumptions to open up their minds to new opportunities and different approaches
What kind of strategies are these?
Growth Strategies
Stability Strategies
Defensive Strategies
What kind of strategies are these?
Cost Leadership
Cost Focus
Differentiation Focus
What kind of distinctions are these?
Dominant Cultures
What kind of artifacts are these?
What kind of sources are these?
External Leadership
Participative Leadership
The influence that leaders exercise over their followers
The giving of orders and the use of other methods of influence (such as rewards and punishments) by a formal organization manager over his or her followers
What theory is this?
Views the adoption and change of human behavior as a complex process with many parts; It recognizes that we influence and are influenced by the world in which we live
Places importance on the capacity of a person to manage or control him- or herself—particularly when faced with difficult yet important tasks
Recognizes the human ability to learn and experience tasks and events through vicarious and symbolic mechanisms—that is, by observing others and by using imagination
Stresses the importance of our perceptions of our own effectiveness or potential to be effective
What theory is this?
Emphasizes the importance of the “natural” rewards that we enjoy when we take part in activities or tasks that we like
Focus on the potential we have to harness the motivational forces available when we do things that we really enjoy
____ is the level to which people or organizations achieve agreed-upon goals.
In Chapter 1 of your textbook, the authors provide a “self leadership in the movies” feature to provide a creative example of someone who practiced self-leadership to achieve success. This feature profiled which movie?
In Chapter 1 of your textbook, the authors contrast the three primary sources of leadership. Which of the following is NOT one of those sources?
Laura is the owner of Laura's sunflower seeds. Her products are selling fast because they contain a unique salt, sea salt. Laura just hired a consulting firm to do research on her company and one finding from the consulting was that trends suggest the price of sea salt is going to rise substantially over the next few years. Laura was a student in Dr. Neck's class years ago and decides to do a SWOT analysis for her company. This forecasted increase in the cost of sea salt would be a ___ for Laura's sunflower seeds:
Threats to New Entrants
Susan opened up a running shoe store on Mill Avenue and immediately starting making a lot of profits the first year. However, the second year, her profits were dismal because Dr. Neck opened up a running store right down the street. This scenario illustrates which of the forces in Porter’s Five Forces Model:
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Bargaining Power of Buyers
Availability of Substitutes
Threats to New Entrants
Porter’s Five Forces Model
Threat of new entrants: The likelihood of new competitors entering the market.
Bargaining power of suppliers: The influence suppliers have over the industry.
Bargaining power of buyers: The influence buyers have over the industry.
Threat of substitute products: The availability of alternative products or services.
Intensity of competitive rivalry: The level of competition among existing firms in the industry.
Porter’s Generic Business Strategies
Cost Leader: Producing product/service at lowest cost possible
Differentiation: Producing premium product/service with best materials
Cost Focus: Producing product/service at lowest cost possible, but targeting a specific market
Differentiation Focus: Producing premium product/service with best materials, but targeting a specific market
Define Mission and Goals
Evaluate Situation: SWOT Analysis
Formulate Plan After Mission Review
Implement Plan
Evaluate Performance
Sangavi is CEO of Sangavi's Running Shoe Empire. She produces running shoes that are very unique and made with a cutting edge technology that reduces running injuries. Every dime she makes from sales, she puts back into Research and Development to make her shoes even more unique and injury proof. Her shoes typically sell for double the price of other running shoes on the market. Initially, only hard core runners purchased her shoes but she found that everyone wanted to buy her shoes so now she target her shoes to all active people. Sangavi would seem to be following Porter's generic business strategy of a:
Cost Leader
Focus Cost Leader
Focus Self Leader
Porter’s Generic Business Strategies
Dr. Neck recently showed us a video about the Go Pro company to specifically illustrate which management concept?
Porter’s Five Forces Model
Porter’s Generic Business Strategies
Four Functions of Management
Neck’s Leadership Typology
Dr. Neck recently showed us a video of the Lion King to specifically illustrate which management concept?
Porter’s Five Forces Model
Dr. Neck recently showed us a video about Luxotica to specifically illustrate which management concept?
SWOT Analysis
Dr. Neck recently showed us a video about Tabasco to specifically illustrate which management concept?
4 Functions of Management
Dr. Neck recently showed us a video about Trader Joe’s to specifically illustrate which management concept?
4 Functions of Management
Dr. Neck recently showed us a video about Shawshank Redemption to specifically illustrate which management concept?
Strategic Management/DEFINE Model
Dr. Neck recently showed us a video about Amazon to specifically illustrate which management concept?
Dr. Neck recently showed us a video about Any Given Sunday to specifically illustrate which management concept?
4 Functions of Management