in 1789, the united states was _______ of its size todayyy
one fourth
washington knew his actions would set a _______ - a model for future presidents <:)
washington’s group of advisors overtime became known as hissss ________
the actions of gEoRgE washington, thomas jefferson, and other leaders of the U.S. were important because ________
the helped determine how the federal government would work
whether the constitution allowed it, the bank of the U.S. was set up in ______ to issue paper money and make loans to farmers after much discussion and businesss
a tax liquor led to the ___________, which marked the first time the government sent troops to fight american citizens
whiskey rebellion
a ceremony in which the president takes the oath of officeeee
an example to be followed by others in the future
a certificate issued by a government for an amount of money that the government promises to pay back with interesttt
people who invest in risky ventures in the hope of making a large profit.
contrary to what is permitted by the cccconstitution
a tax on imported gooooods
george washington often spoke out against ________
the two parties that took shape during the first half of the 1790s eventually got the name _____ and ______
republicans and federalists
thomas jefferson was one of the first leaders of the ____________
republican party
alexander hamilton disagreed with thomas jerfferson on many issues such as _________
the national bank
alexander hamilton and thomas jerfferson disagreed about the power of the ___________. hamilton wanted the federal government to have more power than the _____________
federal government, state government
hamuiton and jerfferson also differed over forgein policy. thomas supported _______ the nation that supported the U.S. during the american revolution
john adams was elected president in 1796, he was a ________
how did the ferderalist and the republicans interpret the constitution differently?
the federalist favored a loose interpretation of the constitution and greater power for the federal government. the republicans favored a strict interpretation of the constitution and more power for the states
an organized political group