Purkinje cells - coordination of movement in cerebellum, lots of dendrites
Pyramidal cells - cognition & vision guided movement
in/out ion concentrations
equilibrium potentials
ion channels selectivity
The stronger the stimmuli, the stronger the effect on the membrane potential of dendrite.
Resting - channels closed, resting state of the membrane.
Depolarisation - axon membrane potential reaches treshold potential, Na+ gate opens, ion depolarise the membrane.
Repolarisation - Na gate closes, K+ channels open. K+ ions leave & repolarise.
Repolarisation continues- membrane potential decrease, K+ equilibrium bring hyperpolarisation.
Absolute - no action potentials due to inactive Na+ channels
Relative - after hyperpolarisation; lower membrane potential require depolarising power to reach treshold.
Due to those periods action potentials travel only away from the soma & towards the synapse.
Vary in magnitude & duration
Decay with distance
Occur in dendrites & cell body
Caused by opening & closing of various ion channels
Always the same size, shape, duration
Occur in axons of neurons & muscle cells
Caused by opening & closing of voltage-gated ion channels
Surround neurons, provide support and insulation between them.
Astrocytes - homeostasis
Microglial cells - macrophage-like
Oligodendrocytes (PNS-Schwann cells) - wrap axons for insulation
Acetylocholine opens cation channel, K+ leaves the cell, Na+ enter
Postsynaptic membrane depolarise
EPSP created
Easier to trigger action potential by crossing the treshold
Metabotropic acetylocholine receptor activates G-protein, opening K+ channel
K+ leaves, postsynaptic membrane hyperpolarise
IPSP created
More difficult to trigger action potential by crossing the treshold
Synthesized from glutamate
A receptors: chloride channels (ionotropic receptors). Binding opens the channel, Cl goes in, hyperpolarisation of the membrane = IPSP.
Low GABA = axciety, irritiation
nAChR are cation channels, activated by nicotine & inhibited by alkaloid arrow poisons.
In skeletal muscle & ANS.
mAChR coupled to G-proteins that activate K+ channels; inhibited by atropin.
In PNS & iris (control pupil size. Inhibited = big)
adrenaline hormone; noradrenaline neurotransmitter;
both acts on the same receptors - metabotropic, multiple function.
Adrenaline triggers stress response.