Physiology - Neurons (1)

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Neuron leak channels

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Neuron leak channels

Pores for K+, constutively active.

High permeability for K+ = resting potential negative.

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Na+ permeability increase, equilibrium shifts to Na+

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K+ permeability increase, equilibrium shifts to K+

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Neuron variations

  • Purkinje cells - coordination of movement in cerebellum, lots of dendrites

  • Pyramidal cells - cognition & vision guided movement

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Graded potentials

For integrate information, not for long distance.

Dendrite signal receptors lead to change in ion channel activity & membrane potential.

Allows responding with polarisation changes.

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Polarisation change depends on:

  • in/out ion concentrations

  • equilibrium potentials

  • ion channels selectivity

The stronger the stimmuli, the stronger the effect on the membrane potential of dendrite.

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Spatial summation

sum of EPSPs that come at the same time to axon hillock

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Temporal summation

sum of postsynaptic potentials from the same synapse

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Action potential phases

  1. Resting - channels closed, resting state of the membrane.

  2. Depolarisation - axon membrane potential reaches treshold potential, Na+ gate opens, ion depolarise the membrane.

  3. Repolarisation - Na gate closes, K+ channels open. K+ ions leave & repolarise.

  4. Repolarisation continues- membrane potential decrease, K+ equilibrium bring hyperpolarisation.

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Refractory periods

  • Absolute - no action potentials due to inactive Na+ channels

  • Relative - after hyperpolarisation; lower membrane potential require depolarising power to reach treshold.

Due to those periods action potentials travel only away from the soma & towards the synapse.

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Graded potentials - properties

  • Vary in magnitude & duration

  • Decay with distance

  • Occur in dendrites & cell body

  • Caused by opening & closing of various ion channels

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Action potentials - properties

  • Always the same size, shape, duration

  • Occur in axons of neurons & muscle cells

  • Caused by opening & closing of voltage-gated ion channels

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receive information from other neurons

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Cell body

Contains nucleus + organelles

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Axon hillock

Information gets collected and integrated, generating action potentials

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Conducts action potentials away from cell body

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Axon terminals

Synapse with target cell

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Glial cells

Surround neurons, provide support and insulation between them.

  • Astrocytes - homeostasis

  • Microglial cells - macrophage-like

  • Oligodendrocytes (PNS-Schwann cells) - wrap axons for insulation

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Nodes of Ranvier

Non-insulated parts of axon, the only place with voltage gated Na+/K+ channels so action potential will jump on nodes.

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Saltatory conductions

In nodes of ranvier;

Action potential generated in node, fastly jumps on nodes.

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Electrical synapse

Fast, allow for synchronisation of neuronal activity

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Chemical synapse

Excitatory or inhibitory, only link cells.


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  • Acetylocholine opens cation channel, K+ leaves the cell, Na+ enter

  • Postsynaptic membrane depolarise

  • EPSP created

  • Easier to trigger action potential by crossing the treshold

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  • Metabotropic acetylocholine receptor activates G-protein, opening K+ channel

  • K+ leaves, postsynaptic membrane hyperpolarise

  • IPSP created

  • More difficult to trigger action potential by crossing the treshold

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Neurotransmitter receptors

Ionotropic receptors - ion channels open by binding to neurotransmitter. Simple crossing.

Metabotropic receptors - coupled with intracellular signal proteins that open ion channels.

Depending on which ion channel it opens it will hyper/depolarise postsynaptic membrane.

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Excitatory neurotransmitters

lead to EPSP = graded action potential

Glutamate, Serotonin

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Inhibitory neurotransmitters

lead to IPSP = no potential

GABA, Glycine

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Excitatory & Inhibitory

Depends on type of receptors it activates on the neuron.

Acetylcholine, adrenaline, dopamine, endorphins

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  • Synthesized from glutamate

  • A receptors: chloride channels (ionotropic receptors). Binding opens the channel, Cl goes in, hyperpolarisation of the membrane = IPSP.

  • Low GABA = axciety, irritiation

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  • Subtypes: AMPA, Kainate, NMDA - different agonists

    • Activation leads to cation influx = depolarisation = EPSP

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Acetylcholine receptors

  • nAChR are cation channels, activated by nicotine & inhibited by alkaloid arrow poisons.

    In skeletal muscle & ANS.

  • mAChR coupled to G-proteins that activate K+ channels; inhibited by atropin.

    In PNS & iris (control pupil size. Inhibited = big)

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Noradrenaline & adrenaline

  • adrenaline hormone; noradrenaline neurotransmitter;

  • both acts on the same receptors - metabotropic, multiple function.

  • Adrenaline triggers stress response.

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Tetrodotoxin TTX

Accumulated in the body of animal, block Na+ channels = no depolarisation.

Does not work on venomous animals due to insensitivity of their channels.

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