Chemical reactions
________ are simple arrangements of atoms from one combination to another in small whole- number ratios.
J J Thompson
Electrons were discovered in 1879 by ________, when he determined that cathode rays were fundamental parts of matter he called electrons.
energy of electromagnetic waves
The ________ is proportional to the frequency and inversely proportional to the wavelength.
In ________, Max Planck described light as packets, or quanta, of energy called photons.
William Crookes
Sir ________, the scientist who developed cathode ray tubes in the 1870s, originally thought cathode rays to be negatively charged molecules instead of electrons.
previous s
In order to maintain charge stability within an atom, certain atoms will "unfill "their ________ sublevel to fill their new d sublevel.
Hunds Rule
________- All p, d, or f orbitals in a sublevel must be filled with one electron before a second electron is allowed to pair in any orbital.
________ particles- ________ particles are complicated, but the only thing you need to remember about them right now is that they are positively charged particles.
sublevel of the atom
Each ________ contains one or more electron orbital.
discrete wavelengths
The colors consist of ________ of light (line spectra) and not a uniform rainbow found when white light is separated by a prism.
________ are designated as s, p, d, or f, according to the sublevel they are in.
Visible light
________ is only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Electron configuration
________- Each element has its own unique sequence of orbitals that can, once again, be derived using the periodic table.
________- In chemistry, ________ is any physical substance that has mass and takes up space by having volume.
Uncertainty principle
________- The ________ states that the position and momentum of any particle can not both be known at exactly the same time.
Niels Bohr
________ created a theory that electrons move around the nuclei in circular orbits and that electrons only exist in certain "allowed orbits ..
________ are corresponding letters of s, p, d, and f.
Oil drop experiment
________- This was an experiment performed by Robert Millikan, which allowed him to calculate the charge of an electron to be- 1.60 x 10^- 19 columbs.
The ________ has a mass of 1.67 x 10^- 24 gram.
Orbital diagrams
________ can also be drawn in staggering heights to show the energy differences between orbitals.
electromagnetic radiation
All ________ may be considered as waves that are defined by their wavelengths and frequencies.
________- The neutron is the third major particle that marks up the atom, but has no charge.
________- A spectroscope is a machine that is used to produce and record the light /color spectra of a particle for examination.
John Dalton
Daltons atomic theory- ________ created a scientific theory on the nature of matter and atoms, consisting of three major components.
________ has units of meters and any necessary appropriate prefix.
Plancks constant
________- The proportionality constant, h, has a value of 6.63 x 10 ^- 34.
________- The frequency is defined as the number of waves that pass a point in space in one second.
________- A molecule is a combination of two or more atoms.
principal energy level
The number of sublevels possible in each ________ is equal to the value of n for that energy level.
________ are often referred to as the basic building block of life.
________- An orbital is a region o space that has a high electron density.
________- A proton is a basic unit of positive charge in the atom.
________- The wavelength is the distance between two repeating points on a sine wave.
________- An atom is the smallest unit into which matter can be divided.
________ (Subshells)- Each principal energy level within an atom contains one or more sublevels or subshells.
The ________ has a positive charge which is exactly equal in magnitude to the electron charge.