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Controlled experiment
Comparing control group and treatment group under the same conditions, except for IV
Science and pseudoscience
Science= tested, psuedoscience=cannot be tested or falsified
process of elimination of hypothesis’s that are clearly wrong
Properties of carbon
form up to 4 covalent bonds, small, creates stable bonds, and can bond w/ itself
Hydrophobic effect
how non-polar substances cluster together in water excluding water molecules
links different monomers tg to form polymers which gives us diverse biomolecules
same things in different organisms bc they came from the same origin. Test medicine on animals w/homologous traits. Multiple levels like cell structure and genes.
Structure of DNA
double-stranded so once pulled apart for replication each strand serves as a template.
Central Dogma
Replication (DNA polymerase) → Transcription (RNA polymerase) → Translation (Ribosome)
Base pairing
molecular interaction that allows transcription to copy info from DNA to RNA
Gene expression
can generate different cell types by allowing different sets of genes to be turned on or off.
random change in a DNA sequence. comes from DNA replication errors and environmental damage. nonsense and frameshift are big mutations that can break the gene.
When Guide RNA finds its target within the viral genome the Cas9 cuts the target DNA, disabling the virus. Can be used to cut any DNA by changing Guide RNA to match target.
mRNA in vaccines
mRNA causes cells in your body to make a viral protein so that your immune system can learn to recognize it.
Piece of DNA that encode a protein
Genotype and phenotype
Genotype=DNA sequence, Phenotype=trait
specific version of a gene. Inherit one from each parent
Monogenic trait
trait determined by one gene/allele.
Environment affected phenotype
directly affecting gene expression leading to variations on observable traits.
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism. 1 base pair differs in individuals. SNP’s in promoters alter gene expression levels and in coding regions SNP’s directly modify the protein sequence.
Stored for when cell needs it because cells need energy for different processes. Mitochondria generates ATP. Sugars →chemical reactionns in mitochondria-→ ATP
Type 1 diabetes
defect in sending insulin signal. Insulin is not secreted/produced by pancreas, cells do not take up glucose so it gets too high.
Type 2 diabetes
defect in receiving the insulin signal. Insulin is present but cells do not detect it (cells are insenstive to insulin).
Insulin for treating diabetes can be produced in bacteria
genetic engineering can copy the gene for insulin and insert into bacteria. Bacteria turns on gene and produces insulin.
Infection vs. inflammation
infection=invasion and growth of a pathogen inside your body, inflammation=body’s repsonse to fight infection, send immune cells and protect itself
B cells and T cells
Produce antibodies and attacks invaders outside the cell tagging them so that phagocytes destroy them through phagocytosis. Cytotoxic T cells recognize bad infected cells and kill them to prevent the spread.
Clonal selection
since we have a lot of immune and thousands of B and T cells in each drop of blood these cells have a diverse pathogen specificity.
Vaccine in terms of B and T cells
contain pieces of the target virus/pathogen, generate an immune response from B and T cells then generates immune memory.
helps repair damaged DNA, mutations can lead to cancer
Car T cells
modified T cells that give them a new receptor to recognize and kill cancer cells
normally act to promote cell growth but they are regulated (used at the right time). Excessive or unregulated use of an oncogene can lead to cancer.
Tumor supressor
Genes that act in normal cells to prevent cancer. Loss of function of a tumor suppressor can lead to cancer.
Mutations underlie cancer
mutations cause cancer by disrupting normal cell growth and division
Growth factors regulating cell cycle
growth factors are produced signals that tell the cells to grow and divide. Process can be misregulated in cancer by sending too many signals to grow and divide.
3 reasons cancer is hard to treat
Specificity=cancer cells similar to normal cells, hard to make drugs that kill just 1, every cancer patient is different, resistance=high mutation rate promotes evolution of drug resistance.
Chemotherapy side effects, why?
Damaging DNA harms normal cells throughout the body
Drug resistance in chemotherapy
drug kills most cancer cells, few survive, then they grow and divide to regenerate tumor.
Cancer immunotherapy
Immune system can fight cancer. Uses different branches of the immune system to target and unleash immune system against cancer.
Genotype stays same/differs?
stays the same, every cell in an individual has the same DNA (genotype) bc all cells originate from a single egg.
Gene expression stays same/differs?
differs, different cell types use different genes based on their function. Some genes are turned on or off depending on their cell’s role
embryonic stem cells
comes from an embryo, capable of making any cell type in the body.
adult stem cells
Are rare, exist in specialized sites within the body, maintain body function by replacing/replenishing damaged cells in a tissue
stem cell therapy
inject stem cells into the right place and let them replace missing or defective cells. rejection, improper growth, and incomplete function can get in the way.
within a neuron, moves signal over long distances using an electrical signal/action potential.
between neurons at synapsis using chemical signals/neurotransmitters.
connection between 2 neurons, change based on use
Drugs interfering w/communication between cells and NS
drugs affect/alter neurotransmission, they change how neurons send, receive, or clean uo signals leading to affects on the brain and body. drugs block receptors by preventing neurotransmitters from binding, stopping signals