People to know :D
developed theory of 4 humours
coined Hippocratic oath
developed idea of clinical observation
developed theory of opposites
worked on anatomy by dissecting animals that weren’t humans
believed complexity of human body explained superior existence of God
wrote over 200 books which were used to teach in many uni’s across Europe
first to work out difference between smallpox and measles
helped build hospital in Bagdhad, first recorded general hospital
one of the first to build on Galen’s work instead of just copying him
wrote The Canon of Medicine which explored anatomy and human development
encouraged natural treatments
Hugh and Theodoric of Lucca
questioned Galen
used wine to clean wounds (antiseptic)
experimented with herbal remedies as anaesthetics
proved Galen made mistakes
wrote On The Fabric Of The Human Body
dissected human bodies
artificial limbs and ligatures
egg yolk, rose oil, and turpentine anaesthetic when he ran out of cauterisation oil
wrote Treatise on Surgery
1500’s barber surgeon in the army
found out about circulation of blood
proved Galen’s idea of blood being created in the liver wrong
this discovery contributed to successful blood transfusions in the long term
disproved the idea that gunshot wounds were poisoned
worked in British army
trained Jenner
did many dental procedures such as tooth transplants
developed smallpox vaccine tho he didn’t know how it worked
helped move people away from inoculation
smallpox eradicated in 1980
used nitrous oxide as anaesthetic
used chloroform as anaesthetic
Found that people in rural areas had a higher life expectancy than those in urban areas
Said that gov should invest in clean water supply
Chadwick report in 1842
Found correlation between broad street water pump and cholera cases
Convinced local council to remove pump handle so that it couldn’t be used
Cholera deaths decreased significantly and helped lead to the discovery that Cholera is a waterborne disease and led to further public health reforms
Gov gave him £3 million to build London sewage system after great stink
Resulted in the end of significant cholera outbreaks in London
Had theory that some chemicals could kill germs without harming human tissue
Created first magic bullet, Salvarsan 606 against syphillis
Led to discovery and development of penicillin
Discovered penicillin killing staphylococcus bacteria
Florey and Chain
Purified penicillin so it could be used as medicine
Proved that it worked on Albert Alexander
Mass produced for use on american soldiers in WWII
Pioneered new skin graft techniques during WWI
Led to development of plastic surgery