This will be info for bio 105 lab The scientific method 2024 (College bio)
Multi celled organism, fresh water aquatic
Crustaceans- shrimp and lobster family
Could be a model organism to describe how drugs affect basic metabolism
Daphnia Anatomy-is located on page 16 in the lab manual
How can we measure metabolism in humans?
Heart rate in humans
Other ways in other organisms
Metabolic depressants
What happens if you have too much?
Decreased HR (Heart rate)
Decreased breathing
Decreased reaction time
Slow, slurred speech
Black out
Too much can kill you
Metabolic stimulants
-What happens when you have too much?
Wide awake
talk fast
increased HR
Increased breathing
Stimulants and Depressants
Some are legal
Some are illegal
physiological changes seen as metabolic rate
How do we look at metabolic rates
- HR or GR (Glucocorticoid Receptors)
Model Organisms
CANNOT use humans for experiment!!!!
-Sever impairment
Choose a model organism that will have similar results that could be applied to humans
Key words
Model Organism
Observe the scientific method by observing the metabolic of Daphnia
What can we never do in science
We can NEVER prove anything in science we can only support or REFUTE a hypothesis
Support or refute hypothesis because:
-cannot prove
-based on data/results
How should we present results
Predictions should include?
More specific details
Include rationale
Ex: Leaves exposed to 25 c and lower will change colors because they are not photosysthesizing as much
Experimetal design
Details of what you need to test your hypothesis
-Multiple test:
Results not due to luck, chance, or accident
If they run test, get similar results
Controlled Experiments
Test hypothesis
Change only one variable at a time
An educated guess
A broad. general, statement
Must be
No if then statement
Not written in the form of a question
Avoid negative hypothesis
The scientific method
(A step by step process)
proposed experiments
predicted results and rationale
actual results
Insert info from lab manual dont forget to add from nothes and following chapter!!!
What are some guidelines for lab success?
Review suggested sections
Read objectives at the beginning of each lab
Predict your results
Be able to describe how your results support or refute the hypothesis
Lab 1
Identify the different approaches to the scientific inquiry
Define the steps and order of scientific method
Discovery science
Seeks mostly to describe nature and can be a very powerful tool. Ex: taxonomy, dino paleontalogy,
Discovery science asks WHAT and RARELY why
Hypothesis-based science
asks a specific question and poses a hypothesis based on some previous observation or observations (usually produced via discovery science). Hypotheis-based science almost always ask the HOW? or WHY?
what is the scientific method?
is a dynamic process that is used to answer questions about the world around us?
Hypothesis must be_____ and ______
testable and falsifiable
Controlled experiments
Should be designed to test the hypothesis
All factors in the experiment need to be held at CONSTANT or standardized variables except for 1 for which would be the one being tested.
Independent variable
is the one that is changed by scientist. (The thing that you are manipulating)
Dependent variable
The effect of change on the dependent variable.
Feeding 2 cups of fertilizer a week made 8 flowers.
Dependent variable would be number of flowers
When you have an experiment you need to keep a control element where you dont do anything
results are not ____
A conclusion. A conclusion is a separate statement where you accept or refute the original hypothesis.
Where is the independent variable on a graph
always on the x-axis
Where is the dependent variable on a graph
Why are graphs important from the scientific data presentation?
Fast way to get into
What are two other forms of scientific data presentation?
tables and figures
What conditions must a good hypothesis satisfy?
Must be testible
Observations lead too _____?
How many times should you run an experiment to make sure its testible and wasnt just luck?
at least two times
What where the objectives for lab #2 Manipulating metabolism with drugs?
Apply the scientific method to study metabolism
Explain why Daphnia can be used to model an organism to study the effect of drugs that we use on a daily
Explain changes to an organism
Explain at least 2 WAYS to measure an organisms metabolism
What is caffeine?
Its a stimulant and alcohol is a metabolic depressant!
What is the scientific name for Daphnia
daphnia magna
What is a model organism?
are non-human species used in scientific research to understand biological processes.
They are chosen for their ease of maintenance and breeding in laboratory settings, short generation times, and genetic similarities to humans.