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What is public health
The science and art of prolonging life, preventing disease and promoting health through the organised efforts of society”
Draws on epidemiology, psychology, sociology, economics, ethics, organisational management, environmental science, nutrition, vector biology, creative arts …..
Takes a population view
What is epidemiology
The study of the distribution and determinants of disease in human populations
What are the types of risk in public health
Define individual risk of disease
Probability that the patient will develop a disease over a defined time period
Define population risk of disease
The proportion of the population who newly develop the disease over a defined time period.
Define disease rates
What proportion of people in the population have, or will develop, the disease
What are the types of epidemiological rates
•Mortality Rate
•Incidence Rate
•Prevalence Rate
Define mortality rate
Number of deaths/Population at risk in a specified period of time
Define incidence rate
The incidence of a disease is the rate at which new cases occur in a population during a specified period
Incidence rate = Number of new cases in a specified period of time/population at risk
Define prevalence rate
Prevalence rate =
Number of cases present (new and old/existing)/
Population at risk
at a given point in time (point prevalence) or over a given period of time (period prevalence)
Prevalence rate = Incidence * duration
What can changes in incidence tell you
•Changes and differences in incidence between groups of people tells you about changing causes of disease
•Useful to evaluate prevention and causal factors
What can changes in mortality tell you
•Changes and differences in mortality between groups of people tells you about a COMBINATION of changes in the causes (how likely people are to get the disease) and changes in the treatment (how likely people are to survive from the disease).
•Useful to evaluate healthcare