More than enough you need to know on Weimar Nazi Germany to get a 9. (If you can read my handwriting).
Role of Julius Streicher:
What were his beliefs?
Impact on the party (x3 details)?
Early Nationalist Politician: Streicher was already a nationalist politician before joining the Nazi Party in 1922.
Increased Party Membership: When Streicher joined the Nazi Party, he brought his supporters with him, which doubled the party's size overnight.
Expanded Geographical Appeal: Streicher extended the Nazi Party's geographical reach by bringing in supporters from Franconia, in central Germany, to supplement the party's base in Munich, southern Germany.
Newspaper Founder: In 1923, Streicher founded the newspaper, “Der Stürmer”, which published hateful propaganda against Jews and communists and urged readers to join the Nazi Party. By 1927, it had a circulation of 14,000 copies.
Ex-Army: Like many other Nazi leaders, he was an ex-army man and had won the Iron Cross like Hitler.
(During Great Depression)
What rules did the supporters agree?
NSDAP Policy for unemployment
NSDAP Policies to reduce unemployment
88: NSDAP Policies for workers
2nd Organisation and their actions?
April 1933: Official boycott of Jewish shops and businesses began. SA would stand outside them with signs and deter people from entering. “Jude” or a yellow star was painted on the shop window.
Killer Jew was Herschel Grynszpan