1.5.4 - Business Forms

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What is a sole trader?

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What is a sole trader?

An individual who runs their own business and is registered as self-employed by the HMRC

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What are advantages of being a sole trader?

  • Cheap and easy to set up

  • Get all profits

  • Autonomy with decisions

  • Motivation is high as success of the business and the individual are the same

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What are disadvantages of being a sole trader?

  • Unlimited liability

  • Limited capital for investment

  • Will have to buy specialists

  • Hard to find cover when ill

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What is a partnership?

Where two or more people share the costs, risks and responsibility of being in the business together

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What are advantages of being a partnership?

  • Risks, costs and responsibilities are shared

  • More specialist skills

  • Flexible

  • More capital raised than as a sole trader

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What are some disadvantages of being a partnership?

  • Unlimited liability

  • Arguments can occur in decision making

  • If anything happens to the partner then the partnership is dissolved

  • Must have significant trust

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What is a private limited company?

Owned by shareholders who are known to the company. Shares cannot be sold to the public, only to family and friends

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What are advantages of being a private limited company?

  • Limited liability

  • Separate legal identity

  • More capital raised through the sale of shares

  • More flexible than a PLC

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What are disadvantages of being a private limited company?

  • More complex to set up due to increased legal requirements

  • Some loss of control as shareholders have voting rights

  • Unable to sell shares to the public

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What is a public limited company?

A business where shares can be sold openly on the stock exchange, there is normally separate ownership and control (shareholders own the company but management runs the company)

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What are advantages of being a public limited company?

  • Limited liability

  • Separate legal identity

  • Financial records remain relatively private

  • More capital can be raised through the sale of shares

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What are disadvantages of being a public limited company?

  • Lack of privacy as financial performance is available for all to view

  • More complex to set up due to increased legal requirements and ongoing administrative costs

  • Some loss of control as shareholders have voting rights

  • Risk of hostile takeovers

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What is a limited company?

A business that is incorporated at companies house and has a memorandum of association, article of association, form 10 and form 12

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What is franchising?

The replication of a successful business formula by giving permission to franchisees to trade using its name or goods in return for a fee and share of profits

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What are advantages of being a franchisor?

  • Rapid expansion (maximises profitability)

  • Cheap investment

  • Motivation (franchisee has capital tied up in the business)

  • Economies of scale

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What are disadvantages of being a franchisor?

  • Loss of control

  • Have to manage growth

  • Litigation (a failed franchisee is a court case waiting to happen)

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What are advantages of being a franchisee?

  • Lower risk

  • Established product and firm

  • Brand awareness

  • Proven operation

  • Assistance with everything

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What are disadvantages of being a franchisee?

  • Lack of control

  • Higher than expected costs (e.g. start-up, supplies, franchise renewals)

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What is a social enterprise?

Where the objective is not profit, but rather doing good for society

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What is a lifestyle business?

When entrepreneurs run a business to suit and meet the needs of their own lifestyles

Objectives are likely to be based around profit satisficing, independence and work-life balance

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What is an online business?

A business that trades in a virtual marketplace

Advances in technology has led to an increase in these

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